• Last modified 2320 days ago (Oct. 11, 2018)


Sheriff arrests former director

Staff writer

Former Marion County economic development director Teresa L. Huffman was arrested Monday on a charge of misuse of public funds.

Huffman, who posted a $10,000 surety bond and was released from jail four hours after her arrest, was charged in district court Thursday.

County clerk Tina Spencer said Huffman allegedly misused $46,870.89 in county money.

According to Spencer, Huffman worked for the county from November 2006 through May 2017, serving as county economic development director most of that time.

According to the complaint, Huffman knowingly misused public funds “by using, lending or permitting another to use public money in a manner not authorized by law, by a custodian or other person having control of public money by virtue of such person’s official position.”

The complaint lists Sheriff Robert Craft, Colleen Anderson, Angela Butterworth, Delores Dalke, Randy Dallke, Marvin Franklin, Todd Heitschmidt, Charles William Hill, Dan Holub, Greg Skelton, Spencer, Angie Tatro, and Rebecca Wingfield as witnesses in the case.

County commission chairman Dianne Novak said she did not know enough detail to discuss the charges or alleged misuse of money.

“I can’t disclose that at this time, you have to refer to the county attorney,” commissioner Kent Becker said. “It happened when she was employed by the county.”

Becker said he does not know how long the investigation went on.

Commissioner Randy Dallke declined to comment, referring questions to Spencer.

The charge is a level 7 felony. If convicted, state sentencing guidelines would suggest a sentence ranging from 24 months probation to 30 months in prison, depending on any previous convictions Huffman may have. Prison time is recommended if she has two or more previous crimes against a person.

Last modified Oct. 11, 2018