• Last modified 2408 days ago (July 12, 2018)


Seniors to consider requests for taxpayer funding

Directors of Senior Citizens of Marion County will discuss requests for taxpayer funding when they meet at 9:30 a.m. July 20 at Burns Community Center.

Also on the agenda will be discussion of who will represent the group as Sensational Sunflower nominee at the 2018 Sunflower Senior Fair.

Burns seniors will serve lunch. Reservations will be accepted until July 18 at (620) 726-5852 or (620) 382-3580, which also is the number to call if transportation to the meeting is needed.

At their last meeting June 15 in Hillsboro, the board agreed to a pay half of Hillsboro Senior Center’s $2,500 bill for property insurance with taxpayer money.

The group’s transportation committee announced that it had approved purchasing a new van. Overall, the group has a balance $14,292.75 in various bank accounts.

Last modified July 12, 2018