• Last modified 2285 days ago (Nov. 14, 2018)


PEABODY Gazette-Bulletin — Peabody, Kansas

Bible-based club begins at elementary school

Intern writer

A new club has started at Peabody-Burns Elementary.

The Good News Club is an after-school program dedicated to spreading the gospel to children. The class is taught by Ellen Rohl and her assistant, Michael Thiessen, a recent high school graduate.

The club is a part of the Child Evangelism Fellowship, an international organization dedicated to teaching children about the Bible. There are hundreds of clubs internationally, as well as many local chapters. The fellowship provides all the materials for the clubs.

“My primary motivation is to share with them what is in the Bible,” Rohl said. “A lot of children don’t have church homes where they are taught Bible stories and lessons.”

Since the Peabody branch’s beginning nearly a month ago, it has grown from four to 14 students ranging from kindergarten to 5th grade. They meet Tuesdays after school in the music room.

Along with learning Bible stories, they sing songs such as “Jesus Loves Me 1, 2, 3” and games to help them grasp the concepts of the stories. To help engage the kindergartners, they are given pictures of the story to color. There are also memory verses each week. If a child can say the memory verse, they receive a special prize.

Club leaders are required to take classes on how to teach the children, how the program works, and child evangelism.

Before coming to start a club in Peabody, Rohl led another club in El Dorado for five years. She continued that group for two years after moving to rural Peabody. Rohl decided to start a club in Peabody to be close to home.

“This is the first year we’ve had one in Peabody,” Rohl said. “We are grateful for the permission we’ve had to have the club in Peabody.”

Orphan trains subject of Lifelong Learning

Marilyn Irvin Holt, author of “The Orphan Trains: Placing Out in America,” will give a presentation in a Lifelong Learning session at 9:45 a.m. Friday in the Heritage Lobby within Shari Flaming Center for the Arts on the Tabor College campus.

She will describe how the system worked and who the eastern institutions were that placed youngsters and children who came to Kansas.

Between 1853 and 1929, at least 200,000 children and teen-agers were sent out of crowded eastern cities to homes on farms and in small towns farther west on what are now called “orphan trains.”

Admission is $5. Participants may eat lunch in the college cafeteria after the session at a discount price of $4.

CDDO to meet in Newton

Harvey-Marion County Community Developmental Disability Organization will hold its regular monthly meeting at 4 p.m. Monday at 500 N. Main, Suite 204, Newton.

There will be opportunity for public comments at the beginning of the meeting.

Peabody Senior Center

Menu subject to change. Milk available with all meals. Reservations accepted at (620) 983-2226.

Thursday — Cheesy ham and potato soup, wheat bread or crackers, fruit.

Friday — Hot beef sandwich, vegetable, fruit dessert.

Monday — Taco salad, chips, fruit.

Tuesday — Thanksgiving dinner, turkey and all the trimmings, pumpkin pie.

Nov. 21 — Swiss steak, mashed potatoes, vegetable, fruit, wheat bread.

Nov. 22 — Closed.


Send upcoming community events to or call (620) 382-2165.


All Day – Goessel City office closed.


7 a.m. — Goessel PTO meeting, Goessel Elementary.

9 a.m. – 3 p.m. — Ruth Winter retirement celebration, Great Plains Federal Credit Union.

10:30 a.m. — Goessel preschool story time, Goessel public library.

5:30 p.m. — Goessel Junior class soup supper, Goessel High School.

5:30 p.m. — Goessel High School band and choir concert, Goessel High School.

6 – 7:30 p.m. — Block fest – PAT and head start – RSVP, Marion City Building.

7 p.m. — Goessel fall awards night, Goessel High School.

7 – 9 p.m. — Marion High School musical, High School auditorium.


9:30 – 11 a.m. — Block fest – PAT and head start – RSVP, Marion City Building.

10 a.m. — Goessel Elementary School Christmas concert, Goessel Elementary School.

10 a.m. – 4 p.m. — 2018 Mennonite Heritage and Agricultural Museum Christmas Open House.

6 p.m. Marion County Park and Rec, — Trivia night and taco bar, Marion Community Center.

6:30 – 7:45 p.m. — Hillsboro Middle/High School Christmas concert, Hillsboro High School Auditorium.

7 – 9 p.m. — Marion High School Musical, High School Auditorium.


9 – 3 p.m. — Jingle and Mingle, Marion Community Center.

12:30 – 2 p.m. — Food truck fundraiser – sausage lunch benefit for Dustin and Ashley Jost Family, Hillsboro MB Church Fellowship Hall.

2 – 4 p.m. — Marion High School Musical, High School Auditorium.


9 a.m. — Marion County Commission meeting, Courthouse.

4:30 p.m. — Marion City Council meeting, City building.

6 p.m. — Goessel City Council meeting, Civic Center community room.

6:30 p.m. — Florence City Council meeting, City building.


All Day — Care Facility Shower for Westview, Peabody Health and Rehab, and Senior Center, donations of playing cards, board games, etc., dropped off at location.

9 a.m. – 2 p.m. — Centre FFA blood drive, main gymnasium at Centre High School.

School hours — Goessel High School community service day.

11:15 a.m. — Thanksgiving dinner, Peabody Senior Center.

3:30 p.m. — Good News Club, Peabody Elementary music room.

4 p.m. — Hillsboro City Council, City building


6 – 8 p.m. — Circles of Marion County, Peabody United Methodist Church.


110 West D Street ● Hillsboro ● 620-947-3933

Lobby 9 to 5; Drive-up 8 to 5:30 Mon. thru Fri.

24-Hour ATM


In Honor Of



Please join us for a


Ruth Winter

For 39 Years of Service

Nov. 16

12 noon to 5 p.m.


Photo by Shirley suderman

Ellie Just of rural Marion holds a photograph she took of heads of wheat and wheat kernels in her grandfather Rod Suderman’s hand. It earned purple ribbons at the county and state fair and was selected to appear in the 2018-19 Kansas 4-H calendar.

Wonsevu News

John Lang celebrates birthday

Wonsevu correspondent

Jessica Maddox, Dana and Daxton of Strong City and Jamie Lang of Emporia visited John and Denise Lang and Johnny on Nov. 2 to help John celebrate his birthday. The Daxtons were overnight guests.

Janet Cress visited Shealah and Dave West in Newton on Nov. 4.

Dean Snelling of Goessel was a weekend guest of Dale and Tootsie Snelling on Nov. 3 and 4. Dale and Dean went to a sale in Cottonwood Falls that Saturday.

Mark and Leann Lewman and Levi of Sedgwick and Danny Snelling and Seth of Marion were Nov. 3-4 weekend guests of Dale and Tootsie Snelling. The men went hunting.

The Snellings and their guests attended the 35th wedding anniversary of Sherry and Heath Hess on Nov. 4 at Marion County Lake Hall.

Doni Rogers went to a bazaar supper Nov. 3 at Cottonwood Falls Community Building.

Denise Lang visited Margie Williams on Nov. 1.

Lorene Magathan, Anna Voelker, Sue Clough, and Margie Williams met Nov. 2 for pie and coffee in Florence.

Gary Williams of Goddard visited Bill and Margie Williams on Nov. 3.

Highway to close overnight

K-15 from US-56 to K-4 will be closed from midnight until 4 a.m. Saturday to allow a large crane used in the wind farm construction to cross K-15.

Traffic will be detoured on US-56 to US-77, US-77 to K-4, and K-4 to K-15.

Mennonite museum sets open house

The Mennonite Heritage and Agricultural Museum in Goessel is holding an open house 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. The event will include locally crafted items and Mennonite cookbooks for sale, as well as professional ribbon tying lessons.

The museum is open 12 to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, and will be closed Dec. 15 through March 1. It is open by appointment year-round, and can be booked by calling (620) 367-8200.


Nov. 14, 2018 — Page 3

Local girl gets photography honors

Staff writer

A photo taken by Ellie Just, 15, of rural Marion hangs on a wall in the Dean of Agriculture’s office at Kansas State University. It’s a picture of an owl and won a purple ribbon at the state fair.

“We were coming out of a pasture in my grandpa’s Ranger when we saw the owl sitting on a post,” she said. “It sat there for five minutes. I guess I was in the right place at the right time.”

A year earlier, another of Ellie’s photos, a purple-ribbon picture of a bumblebee, was displayed in the governor’s office.

This year, yet another purple-ribbon photo is in the Kansas 4-H calendar. It features heads and grains of wheat in her grandpa’s hand.

Ellie lives with her grandparents, Rod and Shirley Suderman, who farm west and south of Aulne. Ellie’s grandmother schools her at home.

Ellie acquired a Canon EOS camera at age 7, when she joined 4-H, and still uses it.

She was inspired to do photography because she had an aunt who had been in 4-H and regretted not doing a photography project.

She has attended numerous workshops to increase her skills.

She said her favorite subjects are old things, animals, and butterflies.

Her grandparents make sure she has plenty of opportunities to practice. She goes on walks with her grandmother and often takes rides around the farm with her grandfather in his pickup.

Her grandmother shares her love of photography.

“One reason for Ellie’s success is that she takes hundreds of pictures,” she said. “She has already taken 25 or 30 for the next 4-H year. All of her pictures are taken within a four- or five-mile radius of the farm.”

She keeps her photos on a computer and is hoping to submit some of them for publication. She is considering creating note cards that would feature her photos.

“I like 4-H,” she said. “You can try new things, set goals, and have a purpose.”

Ellie is a member of South Cottonwood 4-H Club.

area schools

Menu subject to change. Milk, fruit, juice, cereal, and oatmeal bar available for breakfasts. Milk available for all lunches. Garden fresh salad bar available at high school only.



Thursday — Scrambled eggs, chocolate croissant, toast with margarine and jelly.

Friday — Biscuits and gravy with sausage, cinnamon streusel crumb cake, yogurt.

Monday — Pancakes with syrup, chicken biscuit, yogurt.

Tuesday — Pumpkin pie cinnamon roll, pancake sausage griddle, cinnamon toast.

Nov. 22 — No school

Nov. 23 — No school


Thursday — High and middle school only: popcorn chicken, grilled ham and cheese sandwich, Italian bread, corn. Elementary only: roast turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, hot roll, pumpkin bar.

Friday — Cheese pizza, General Tso chicken with rice, pineapple muffin, broccoli with ranch dressing.

Monday — Cheddar rotini with Italian bread, turkey with cranberry jam sandwich, cheesy cauliflower popcorn.

Tuesday — Pizza grilled cheese, barbecue chicken on bun (high school only) bacon pickle grilled cheese (elementary only), crunchy gordita (elementary only), cornbread, baked beans.

Nov. 21 — No school

Nov. 22 — No school

Tabor choir to present Thanksgiving concert

Congregational singing will e part of a Thanksgiving concert at 4 p.m. Sunday in Richert Auditorium at Tabor College.

The concert will feature the Concert Choir, Chamber Voices, and the Tabor College Brass Ensemble.

Tabor alum Will Friesen will serve as organist. Sheila Litke and J. Bradley Baker will be accompanists.

“I’m particularly excited about the congregational song aspect of the concert,” Vogel said. “The organ in Richert Auditorium is a wonderful instrument, and the combination of it with brass and the full congregation should provide some very exciting hymn singing.”

A free-will offering to support Hillsboro Area Ministerial Alliance and donations for Main Street Ministries Food Bank will be collected. The alliance assists people in financial need with necessities such as rent, food, and utility bills.


TUESDAY, DEC. 4, 2018 • 2:00 PM







LAND LOCATION: From Walton, 3 Miles Northeast on US HWY 50 to East Lake Rd, 3 Miles North to 90th, 1 Mile West to Holly, 1/2 Mile South to the Property. Common address is 843 Holly, Peabody Kansas 66866.


View more details at www.SUNDGREN.COM

JEREMY SUNDGREN – (316) 377-0013

JOE SUNDGREN – (316) 377-7112


Last modified Nov. 14, 2018