• Last modified 2516 days ago (March 29, 2018)


Security concerns jeopardize Peabody 4th of July show

Staff writer

Security concerns among some Peabody 4th Fest organizers could bring the festival’s signature fireworks show to an end.

Peabody 4th Fest organizers have requested 10 armed law enforcement officers plus the city police chief for the fireworks show, or they would cancel the event, police chief Bruce Burke told city council members Monday.

According to Burke, despite his efforts of reaching out to agencies all over the surrounding area, he has filled just one and a half shifts covered in two-week time frame dictated by organizers.

Council member Travis Wilson weighed in on the matter. “The thing of the matter is, no matter how many officers you have down there if someone wants to do harm, they will,” he said.

Council discussed a possible alternative of hiring a security firm, but no action was taken.

Last modified March 29, 2018