• Last modified 2430 days ago (May 9, 2018)


Season for mowing violations is here

Police chief reminds residents of mowing and trailer ordinances

Staff writer

Investigations into city ordinance mowing violations will begin May 14 according to police chief Bruce Burke.

If the grass in a yard is over 12 inches high upon inspection, a notice will be mailed to the owner of the property. If the lawn isn’t mowed within five days of receipt of notice, the information is forwarded to the public works department who will then mow the grass.

If public works mows a yard, that resident is responsible for a $200 minimum fee, and $100 per hour after the first hour.

Residents will only receive one notice for the year and will not receive another notice before public works mows the grass again.

Burke also reminds residents that it is illegal to park a hauling trailer of any kind in the streets unless it is hooked up to a vehicle.

“If a trailer is not hooked up and parked in the street, you can get a citation,” Burke said.

Last modified May 9, 2018