Rent help available for mentally ill residents
County residents with severe mental illness could now get help with rent if they qualify.
Prairie View Mental Health Center was given a $50,000 tenant-based rental assistance grant from Kansas Housing Resources Corporation to help people with severe mental illness afford safe and decent housing.
The grant is funded through the federal HOME Investments Partnership program.
The grant gives people who have severe and persistent mental illness and income no higher than 50% of the median income a shot at affordable housing. Tenants must live in Harvey, Marion or McPherson counties.
Qualifying recipients will get up to two years of rental assistance and generally pay no more than 30% of their adjusted monthly income for rent. Prairie View will pay the rest.
Prairie View will accept applications for housing assistance beginning Feb. 10.
Megan Thompson, housing program coordinator, can be reached at (316) 281-6785 or (800) 992-6292 for more information on the program.
“With this program the tenant will find their own house,” Thompson said.
Thompson said people accepted for the grant will be put on a waiting list.
To apply, contact a Prairie View office in Harvey, Marion, or McPherson County. People don’t have to be Prairie View clients to qualify.
Last modified Feb. 6, 2020