• Last modified 2430 days ago (June 13, 2018)


Relatives from Alaska visit

Wonsevu correspondent

Shawna and David Goodwin from Kenny Lake, Alaska, have been guests of her mother, Janet Cress, and have been spending time with other relatives.

Doni Rogers attended the Flint Hills Rodeo parade in Strong City and Cottonwood Falls airport breakfast June 2 and that evening attended the 50th wedding anniversary reception for Steve and Sharon Griffin.

Among others attending the reception were Bill and Margie Williams.

Dale and Tootsie Snelling attended Christian and country music concerts June 1 and 2 at Chingawassa Days in Marion.

Dean Snelling of Goessel brought a belated birthday dinner to his mother, Tootsie, the next day.

Among those celebrating her birthday with cake and drinks June 1 at a Florence restaurant were Denise Lang, Doni Rogers, Lorena Magathan, Anna Voelker, Sue Clough, and Margie Williams.

Eugene Clothier and Kris from Colorado Springs met Bill and Margie Williams for lunch Sunday at a Florence restaurant. Eugene was here to attend his 50th anniversary class reunion from veterinary school in Manhattan.

Last modified June 13, 2018