Randal Claassen
Services for A. Randal Claassen, M.D., who died Monday, will be 2 p.m. Thursday at Parkview M.B. Church in Hillsboro.
Burial will be 10 a.m. Thursday in Towanda cemetery.
Visitation will be 5 to 7 p.m. today at Jost Funeral Home in Hillsboro.
He was born March 5, 1955, in Wichita to Louis and Dorothy Claassen. He married Janice Keller Jan. 2, 1977, in Wichita.
Survivors include his wife, Janice Claassen of Towanda; son, Peter Claassen of Towanda; daughters Ashley Enns, Katie Claassen, and Josie Claassen of Towanda, Angie Walker of Valley Center, Alysha Pierce of Salina, Jayme McGhee of Denham Springs, Louisiana; brother, Dan Claassen of Blue Ridge, Texas; sister, Candy Snowbarger of Towanda; and 15 grandchildren.
A memorial has been established to Hope and Healing Africa.
Last modified Feb. 6, 2019