• Last modified 2329 days ago (Sept. 27, 2018)


Property debris concerns citizen

Staff writer

Resident Don Martel spoke to Peabody city council members Monday night about his concerns with debris on city property.

“An ordinance needs to be made to get people to clean up their properties,” Martel said. “Prospective buyers won’t want to buy houses here unless there are neat homes.”

Councilman Travis Wilson said there is an ordinance on the books and police chief Bruce Burke said he usually has three or four properties where he works with the owners to get the places cleaned up.

Ginger Whitney gave a report on Saturday’s first fall festival. She thanked the community, police, council, city personnel and volunteers.

Affordable Street Rods owners Rex and Annette Watson said their open house during the festival had a great response.

“The turnout met or exceeded our expectations,” Rex said. “We got a lot of calls today thanking us for putting it on.”

Burke said he’s noticed increased traffic behind the police department and public works building.

“It may become a safety hazard with public works vehicles and police traffic pulling in and out,” he said.

The council asked Burke to bring cost and size information for cautionary signage to the next meeting.

After an executive session, council passed a motion to promote a part-time police officer to full-time effective Nov. 5 at $16.75 per hour and to fund the person to attend police academy.

Last modified Sept. 27, 2018