Incident reports
Dec. 27 — An unknown motorist struck a stop sign at B and Ash Sts. and left the scene. Several motorists were issued warnings for driving with icy windshields.
Dec. 28 — Medication was reported stolen from a vehicle parked in the 200 block of W. Grand St.
Dec. 29 — A report of a possible prowler was investigated in the 800 block of W. Grand St. A man reported the fraudulent use of one of his credit cards.
Dec. 30 — Suspicious activity was investigated in Hillsboro Heights. A domestic disturbance on US-56 was investigated.
Thursday — A suspicious person in Memorial Park and a commercial alarm in the 800 block of E. D St. were investigated.
Friday — A damage complaint in which a person had left ruts in a grassy center island at Memorial Park was investigated. Complaints of a dog at large in the 200 block of S. Ash St. and fireworks at Madison and 3rd Sts. also were investigated. A report of a suspicious person near Indigo and 170th Sts. was investigated.
Saturday — A gas skip at Casey’s General Store was investigated.
Dec. 28— A missing dog was returned to its owner. A verbal warning was given to a motorist for an improper tag display. Owners of dogs that were following a postal carrier were notified of their dogs’ behavior. A domestic disturbance was investigated.
Dec. 29 — Verbal warnings were issued to motorists who were driving with heavy frost on their windows. A non-injury accident that occurred on private property was investigated. A criminal trespass warning was delivered. A dog owner was spoken to about getting their animals current tags.
Dec. 30 — A dog-at-large was picked up and transported to Animal Health Center. A skunk was exterminated in a resident’s backyard. Multiple dogs-at-large were reported but none were located.
Thursday — A dog-at-large was investigated.
Friday — A verbal warning for speeding was issued to a motorist.
Saturday — Verbal warning for a headlamp out and speeding and issued a citation for expired vehicle registration.
Sunday — A dog-at-large eluded attempts to catch it. Reports of a disturbance and reckless driving were investigated.