• Last modified 2082 days ago (May 30, 2019)



Law enforcement agencies provided these reports of their activities this past week. Routine activities such as patrols, inspections, training, report-writing, and assistance to other agencies are excluded.


May 19 — An unattended death in the 400 block of S. Lincoln St. and a non-injury traffic accident at US-56 near Orchard Rd. were investigated.

May 20 — A suspicious person was reported to be in the 100 block of E. A St.

May 21 — An animal reported to be hiding under a porch in the 200 block of S. Ash St. turned out to be a cat. A car-deer accident on US-56 near Orchard Rd. was investigated as was a complaint about a trailer being parked improperly in the 200 block of S. Kennedy St.

May 22 — Police helped a motorist in the 400 block of S. Ash St.

Thursday — What was reported as a domestic disturbance in the 900 block of E. D St. turned out to be a civil matter.

Friday — Another parking complaint in the 200 block of S. Kennedy St. and a report of an erratic driver on US-56 were investigated.

Saturday — An officer stood by during a civil matter in the 900 block of E. D St. Two traffic complaints — one on Elm St. and the other about speeding on Indigo Rd. — were investigated. Police helped a motorist at Lincoln and Grand Sts.


May 20 — Reports of a theft in the 700 block of S. Cedar St., a disorderly person at the Courthouse, an altercation in the 700 block of S. Cedar St., and improper parking in the 100 block of N. 3rd St. were investigated. A possibly suicidal person could not be found.

May 21 — A theft at Carlsons’ Grocery and a complaint about a truck parked in the 300 block of S. Cedar St. were investigated. A dog running free in the 300 block of S. Coble St. was retrieved by its owner after the owner was contacted. A report of a person being in a residence in the 400 block of S. 4th St. without permission proved unfounded.

May 22 — Officers ticketed the owner of a dog running free in the 600 block of S. Roosevelt St. A motorist was arrested at Maple and Roosevelt Sts. on suspicion of driving with a suspended license. A non-injury accident in the 300 block of S. Lincoln St. was investigated. Officers helped construction workers monitor newly poured concrete and find owners of vehicles that had to be moved.

Thursday — Another citation for allowing dogs to run free was issued. Three motorists received warnings for failing to obey a new four-way stop sign at 3rd and Santa Fe Sts.

Friday — Officers met with postal workers about a dog in the 300 block of Locust St., checked what proved to be a false alarm from a business in the 1000 block of Industrial Rd., checked on a reportedly out-of-control juvenile in the 300 block of S. Lincoln St., helped with a civil matter in the 300 block of S. Roosevelt St., and investigated a non-injury accident in the 100 block of S. Freeborn St. Oral warnings were given in three traffic stops.

Saturday — Officers checked on juveniles who were trying to catch their dog, returned lost property of an undisclosed nature, and took no action other than returning a phone call about a noise complaint on S. Thorp St.

Sunday — Officers helped a turtle cross the road near Walnut and Main Sts. An ATV driver in the 1200 block of E. Main St. was warned not to drive on the street because it is a state highway. A driver was cited at Elm and Main Sts. for allegedly failing to stop, having no proof of insurance, and having an expired tag. Another motorist was cited at 5th and Main Sts. for allegedly having an Illegal tag and violating license restrictions. Officers investigated another false alarm from a business in the 1000 block of Industrial Rd.

Last modified May 30, 2019