• Last modified 2105 days ago (May 9, 2019)


Activity reports

Law enforcement agencies provided these reports of their activities this past week. Routine activities such as patrols, inspections, training, report-writing, and assistance to other agencies are excluded.


April 28 – A commercial fire alarm was reported in the 500 block of E. D St., but everything was OK. A dumpster fire was reported in the 600 block of Orchard Dr. A dog complaint was reported in the 200 block of E. Grand Ave.

April 29 – A traffic complaint was reported in the 300 block of N. Main St. A traffic complaint was reported in the 200 block of S. Washington St. A commercial alarm was reported in the 300 block of N. Ash St., but everything was OK.

April 30 – A suspicious vehicle was reported in Willow Glenn Ln. but everything was OK. A civil standby was done on Industrial Rd., and everything was OK.

May 1 – A dog complaint was reported in the 400 block of S. Ash St.

May 2 – A lost debit card was returned to its owner.

May 4 – A domestic disturbance reported in the 200 block of E. F St. was determined to be a verbal argument, and no action was taken. A domestic disturbance reported in the 200 block of N. Washington St. was determined to be a verbal argument, and no action was taken.


April 29 – A loose dog reported in the 200 block of Locust St., was unable to be found. A loose dog reported in the 1200 block of E. Main St. was unable to be caught. A welfare check was done in the 300 block of S. Lincoln St., and everything was OK.

April 30 – A damage to property call was made in the 600 block of Walnut St., but no report taken. A motorist was warned in the 1100 block of E. Main St. for no tag light. An individual was checked on near the bridge on the west edge of Marion, and everything was okay.

May 1 – A runaway juvenile was reported, but returned home before law enforcement arrived.

May 2 – A welfare check was done in the 400 block of S. 4th St., and everything was OK. An individual reported a neighbor dispute in the 100 block of S. Cedar St., but no law enforcement action was taken. An individual received assistance with her locked door. A child custody issue was reported, but it was resolved before law enforcement arrived. A motorist was warned for improper display of registration near Eisenhower Dr. and Main St. A motorist was warned for no lights near Main and Cedar Sts.

May 3 – Individual reported a scam attempt, no official report was made.

May 4 – Three motorists were warned for parking where prohibited during citywide garage sales. A motorist was warned for speeding in the 900 block of E. Main St. A verbal disturbance was reported, but no law enforcement action was taken. Cats were reported in a vacant house, and the owner of the house was contacted. A motorist was warned for brake light out near Walnut and Main Sts.

May 5 – An individual was warned for criminal trespassing. A motorist was warned for reckless driving in the 300 block of S. Roosevelt St.


April 30 – A stalking incident involving a teenager was reported. Criminal damage report was made for a chest of drawers in the 400 block of N. Westview Dr.

May 2 – A suicide was reported in the 300 block of N. Locust St.

Last modified May 9, 2019