• Last modified 2178 days ago (Feb. 28, 2019)


Activity reports


Feb. 18 — A welfare check was done in the 300 block of W. D St. A scam attempt was reported.

Feb. 19 — A dog roaming free was reported but police were unable to locate it. A motorist received assistance on US-56 after a vehicle ran out of gas.

Feb. 20 — Suspicious activity was reported in the 300 block of N. Ash St. A loose dog was reported in the 300 block of N. Jefferson St. but police were unable to locate it.

Feb. 22 — A suspicious vehicle was reported in Industrial Park. A loose dog was reported in the 200 block of S. Main St. but police were unable to locate it.

Feb. 23 — A motorist received assistance on US-56 after a vehicle ran out of gas. A welfare check was done in the 400 block of N. Ash St.


Feb. 18 — A motorist was warned near Roosevelt and Main Sts. for white light to rear. Two attempted scams were reported.

Feb. 19 — A skunk located near Fourth and Main Sts. was determined to be sick and put down.

Feb. 20 — A motorist was warned on US-56 for passing a KDOT plow truck in a no-passing zone. A loose dog was returned to its owner. A motorist who slid off the road near Kellison St. and Eisenhower Dr. was assisted. A motorist was cited for expired registration and no proof of insurance.

Feb. 21 — A motorist was warned for brake light out. A welfare check was done in the 100 block of Billings St. Two loose dogs were taken to Animal Health Clinic.

Feb. 22 — A loose dog was reported in the 200 block of N. 2nd St. but police were unable to locate it. A motorist was warned near 5th and Main Sts. for speeding.

Feb. 24 — A motorist was warned in the 1000 block of E. Main St. for driving an ATV with no visible purpose vehicle permit. A report of a broken-down vehicle proved unfounded.


Feb. 21 — A report of attempted shoplifting in the 200 block of N. Walnut St. proved unsuccessful, with the suspect confronted by an employee.

Feb. 25 — Officers investigated suspicious activity in the 200 block of W. Division Ave.

Last modified Feb. 28, 2019