• Last modified 2198 days ago (Feb. 7, 2019)


Activity reports

Law enforcement agencies provided these reports of their activities this past week. Routine activities such as patrols, inspections, training, report-writing, and assistance to other agencies are excluded.


Jan. 28 — A dog roaming free proved unfounded. A driver was warned for parking on the street with expired registration. A driver was warned for parking on the street with flat tire. A driver was warned for parking on the street with flat tire.

Jan. 30 — A fire call in the 200 block of Eisenhower Rd. proved unfounded.

Jan. 31 — A driver was warned for speeding in the 600 block of S. Ash St. A driver was warned for speeding in the 900 block of E. D St. A noninjury accident occurred on private property in the 200 block of Willow Rd., but no report was made. A fire call in the 200 block of N. Madison St. proved unfounded.

Feb. 1 — A parking complaint was reported. A gas meter was struck in the 700 block of S. Lincoln St during a noninjury accident on private property, but no report was made. A driver was warned in the 100 block of N. Main St. for failing to stop at a stop sign, and an improper turn. A minor received a citation for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia in the 200 block of W. Second St.

Feb. 2 — A driver was warned for an equipment violation in the 200 block of S. Adams St. A driver was warned for an equipment violation in the 200 block of N. Adams St. A driver was warned for a parking violation in the 300 block of S. Wilson St.

Feb. 3 — A driver was warned for failure to use lights at D and Adams Sts.


Jan. 28 — A dog roaming free was taken to Animal Health Center.

Jan. 29 — A possible dog bite incident in the 200 block of N. Fourth St. led to a dog being returned to its owner, who was warned for not having dog tags.

Jan. 30 — A welfare check in the 800 block of Hudson St. proved unfounded. A driver was warned near Main and Elm Sts. for white light to rear, and driving too close. A driver was warned in the 300 block of S. Roosevelt St. for speeding.

Jan. 31 — A parking complaint in the 900 block of E. Main St. proved unfounded. A driver was warned near Commercial Dr. and Industrial St. for no brake lights or turn signals. A report of a suspicious vehicle in the 300 block of S. Thorp St. proved to be people helping a homeowner move. A driver was warned near Main and Elm Sts. for no tag light. A report was made of possible threats in the 600 block of S. Roosevelt St., but no formal report was made.

Feb. 1 — A driver was warned in the 100 block of N. Lincoln St. for an obstructed windshield due to frost. A driver was warned in the 1000 block of Melvin St. for speeding. A driver was warned for speeding in the 400 block of W. Main St. A dog roaming free near Kellison St. and Eisenhower Dr. was unable to be caught.

Feb. 2 — A driver was warned for registration violation in the 800 block of N. Roosevelt St. A dog roaming free near Roosevelt and Hudson Sts. was returned to its owner. A driver was warned in the 600 block of E. Main St. for speeding. A welfare check on a vehicle in the middle of the road proved unfounded.

Feb. 3 — A driver was warned in the 400 block of N. Cedar St. for failure to maintain lanes. A driver was warned in the 1200 block of E. Main St. for brake light out. A driver received a citation in the Dollar General parking lot for driving with a suspended license. A welfare check in the 700 block of S. Cedar St. proved unfounded. A teenager received a citation for curfew violation. A dog roaming free in the 100 block of Billings St. proved unfounded.


Jan. 31 — A counterfeit money investigation was opened in the 700 block of N. Sycamore St.

Feb. 1 — A notice to appear in court was issued on suspicion of possession of tobacco by a juvenile, possession of a weapon, and aggravated threat, but police released no block address.

Last modified Feb. 7, 2019