• Last modified 2245 days ago (Dec. 20, 2018)


activity reports

Law enforcement agencies provided these reports of their activities this past week. Routine activities such as patrols, inspections, training, report-writing, and assistance to other agencies are excluded.


Dec. 10 — An abandoned vehicle at B and Ash Sts. was investigated. A report was received of suspicious activity in the 200 block of Willow Rd.

Dec. 11 — A report was received of an attempted phone scam. A report was received of a dog complaint in the 600 block of N. Ash St.

Dec. 12 — A report was received of a dog complaint in the 300 block of N. Washington St.

Dec. 14 — A report was received of an attempted phone scam. A report was received of suspicious activity in the 900 block of E. D St.

Dec. 15 — A report was received of a reckless driver on 190th Rd.


Dec. 11 — A possible prohibited dog breed in town was investigated, no dog was located. A report received of a suspicious person near Fourth and Main Sts., individual had been released from jail and was awaiting a ride. A report was taken of a possible reckless driver, no traffic offense was located when the vehicle was located. A warning was issued in the 600 block of E. Main St. for a brake light out. A report was received of two dogs near Nickerson and Lincoln Sts., dogs were seen, ran off without being located again. Unrelated warnings were issued near Fourth and Main Sts. for speeding and no tag light. A report of suspicious activity in the 400 block of W. Santa Fe St. was investigated, nothing was located. A warning was issued on US-56 for no tag light and no driver’s side mirror.

Dec. 12 — A ticket was issued in the 100 block of E. Main St. for driving with a suspended license. An elderly man who had fallen on a walk was located in the 100 block of N. Freeborn St. The man refused EMS treatment, and was given a ride home by officers. A report was received of two dogs at large in the 300 block of S. Freeborn St. They were located and put back in their pen, with a note left for the owners. A warning was issued in the 200 block of N. Lincoln St. for no turn signal. A ticket was issued for expired registration in the 800 block of Lawrence St.

Dec. 14 — A report was received of a young person texting while driving, almost causing a collision. Separate reports were received of a possible prohibited dog breed in town, and for dogs at large. A warning was issued for an obstructed windshield, and a separate warning on Main St. for a headlamp out. Two tickets were issued at separate stops on US-56 near Cedar St., one for speeding, and one for no proof of liability insurance.

Dec. 15 —A non-injury accident was responded to at the intersection of Third and Main Sts. Three warnings were issued on separate occasions for various infractions.

Dec. 16 — A report was received of possible harassment, and is still under investigation. Warnings were issued on five separate occasions for various infractions.

Last modified Dec. 20, 2018