• Last modified 2362 days ago (Aug. 30, 2018)


Incident Reports


Aug. 22 — Officers investigated a dog complaint in the 100 block of S. Ash St. and a parking complaint in the 500 block of E. C St.

Aug. 23 — Officers investigated a report of theft in the 600 block of N. Ash, a gas skip in the 500 block of E. D St., and a vehicle theft report in the 500 block of E. D St. The vehicle was located and had been towed for parking in a no-parking zone. Officers assisted Kansas Department of Revenue agents in the 100 block of S. Date St., and investigated a dog complaint in the 500 block of E. Grand St.

Aug. 24 — Officers took reports of suspicious activity in the 200 block of S. Main St., harassment in the 200 block of S. Birch St., and an attempted scam in the 600 block of S. Main St. Officers investigated a traffic complaint in the 200 block of E First St. and a report of suspicious activity at C. St. and Prairie Pointe, and assisted Ohio Department of Public Safety with an investigation.

Aug. 25 — Officers investigated a traffic complaint at Ash and B Sts. and a report of a suspicious person at D and Lincoln Sts.


Aug. 20 — Officers did a civil standby in the 400 block of N. Plum St.

Aug. 21 — Officers investigated trespass in the 200 block E. Division and took a shoplifting report at Peabody Market.

Aug. 23 — Officers took a theft of services report at Westar Energy.

Aug 24 — Officers took a report of criminal threat and will forward to the county attorney.

Last modified Aug. 30, 2018