• Last modified 2372 days ago (Aug. 16, 2018)


incident reports


Aug. 5 — Officers investigated a complaint of disorderly conduct in the 300 block of S. Wilson St. An adult female had thrown an object through a window and fled the scene. When confronted by law enforcement she assaulted Officers Bronson Shipman and Kenneth Koslowsky. She was arrested and booked into the Marion County Jail.

Aug.6 — Officers investigated a dog complaint in the 400 block of S. Main St. Officers assisted Wichita Police Department with an investigation. Officers took a report of a possible attempted Social Security scam.

Aug. 7 — Officers investigated a dog complaint in the 500 block of E. Grand St. Officers did a welfare check in the 400 block of N. Ash St. Officers investigated possession of marijuana in the 400 block of E. First St., arresting a Hillsboro man.

Aug. 8 — Officers did a welfare check in the 100 block of N. Madison St. Officers investigated possible drug activity in the 400 block of N. Ash St. but found no indication of a recent transaction. Officers investigated suspicious activity in Hillsboro Heights. Officers assisted the Salina Police Department with an accident investigation. Officers investigated a dog complaint in the 200 block of W. B St.

Aug. 8 — Officers investigated a parking complaint in the 300 block of N. Lincoln St. Officers arrested Angel R. Silva, 24, Irving, Texas, on suspicion of driving without a license and no proof of insurance.

Aug. 9 — Officers investigated a parking complaint at B and Ash Sts., but found no violations.

Aug. 10 — Officers assisted the sheriff’s department with a suspicious person report. Officers investigated a dog complaint in the 300 block of N. Lincoln St. Officers investigated a complaint of harassment.

Aug. 11 — Officers investigated a report of fireworks in the 200 block of N. Lincoln St.


Aug. 1 — Officers investigated three dogs at large in the 100 block of Walnut and returned them to owners and issued a warning for texting while driving in the 200 block of Eisenhower.

Aug. 2 — Officers investigated a parking complaint in the 1500 block of Denver, contacted the owner, and the vehicle was removed. Officers advised the owner of an illegally parked truck in the 300 block of E. Main St. to remove it. The owner of a dog at large on Billings St. was cited. Officers investigated a report of a reckless driver and were unable to locate. Officers issued a warning for driving without headlights on.

Aug. 3 — Officers made a warrant arrest at the courthouse, issued a citation for no insurance and expired tag in the 100 block of N. 3rd. St., gave a verbal warning for failure to signal at US-56 and Eisenhower Rd., and issued a citation for illegal tag in the 400 block of W. Main St.

Aug. 4 — Officers issued verbal warnings for no turn signal in the 500 block of N. Cedar St., no seatbelt in the 300 block of E. Main St., and tail light out at the entrance to the baseball complex on Eisenhower St.

Aug. 7 — Officers advised a door-to-door salesman city ordinance prohibits door-to-door sales without a permit, gave a verbal warning for failure to yield in the 1000 block of E. Main St., and investigated two dachshunds running loose on N. Cedar St. and caught one and took it to the Animal Health Center.

Aug. 8 — Officers issued a verbal warning for speeding in the 1000 block of E. Main St.


Aug. 3 — Officers recovered a vehicle stolen in Newton.

Aug. 5 — Officers executed a search warrant at an outbuilding and assisted the sheriff’s office northwest of Peabody.

Aug. 7 — Officers investigated disorderly conduct.

Aug. 8 — Officers investigated drug activity and investigated theft of a financial card.

Sunday — Officers located an armed and reportedly suicidal intoxicated man, assisting him in getting treatment. Officers cited a juvenile for possession of tobacco.

Last modified Aug. 16, 2018