• Last modified 2439 days ago (June 14, 2018)



City police departments provided these reports this week of their recent activities. Routine activities and assistance provided to other agencies are excluded.


June 4 — A vehicle stolen in Hillsboro was recovered in Lawrence.

June 5 — A possibly suicidal person was taken to a hospital for evaluation. A missing dog was returned to its owner. Police investigated a report of a mentally disturbed person standing in the middle of a street with a stick.

June 6 — Reports of a tire cutting and suspicious early-morning traffic were investigated. Police twice visited Grand Oaks Apartments to investigate a mentally disturbed person, who was transported to a hospital after the second visit.

Thursday — Two vehicles reported stolen from a Main St. residence were later located elsewhere in town, but the keys to the vehicles were missing. A parking complaint also was investigated.

Friday — Reports of suspicious vehicle and foot traffic were investigated, and a vehicle was ticketed for an equipment violation. Police searched for but did not find a US-56 pedestrian.

Saturday — An attempted burglary in the 500 block of S. Ash St. and a report of a dog at large were investigated.

Sunday — Another dog complaint and a domestic disturbance in the 200 block of E. Grand Ave. were investigated.


June 4 — Donald Joe Miller, 27, Florence, was arrested on a Marion County warrant for failure to appear in court.

June 8 — Evan Daniel Stahl, 18, Peabody, was arrested for underage consumption of alcohol. Police assisted Alcohol Beverage Control with an investigation at Coneburg Inn.

June 11 — Jeffrey Ray Madsen, 61, Peabody, was arrested on suspicion of aggravated battery and robbery.

Last modified June 14, 2018