• Last modified 2442 days ago (June 7, 2018)



City police departments provided these reports this week of their recent activities. Routine activities and assistance provided to other agencies are excluded.


May 27 — A concern about animal welfare in the 300 block of N. Lincoln St. was investigated.

May 28 — A vehicle reported stolen from Hillsboro was recovered at 260th and Indigo Rd. minus property that had been inside. Damage to a vehicle in the 100 block of S. Wilson St. was investigated. Lost property of an undisclosed nature was returned to its owner.

May 29 — A vehicle burglary in the 100 block of S. Wilson St., a traffic complaint in the 100 block of N. Wilson St., and a report of door-to-door sales in the 500 block of S. Adams St. were investigated.

May 30 — Executing a search warrant on a bag recovered during a traffic stop, officers found drugs and paraphernalia.

Officers also helped a motorist on 190th Rd., took a complaint of debris in the roadway in the 100 block of S. Wilson St., stood by during a civil matter in the 300 block of N. Main St., investigated suspicious activity in the 300 block of S. Cedar St., and helped a motorist locked out of a vehicle in the 200 block of E. 1st St.

Thursday — Complaints about a dog in the 200 block of N. Ash St. and peddlers selling door-to-door were investigated. Officers also stood by during a civil matter in Hillsboro’s industrial park.

Friday — A suspicious person in the 400 block of N. Ash St., a report of a defiant juvenile in the 200 block of S. Madison St., and a complaint about telephone harassment in the 400 block of S. Main St. were investigated.

Saturday — After a report of a disturbance in the 300 block of W. 3rd St., James Wullenweber, 35, was arrested on suspicion of assault, battery, and disorderly conduct.

Officers also helped a motorist locked out of a vehicle at the county fairgrounds.


May 20 — Stopped for not having a brake light at US-56 and Industrial Rd., Daniel Bowes, 41, of Osborne was arrested on an outstanding warrant. Warnings were issued in six other traffic stops.

May 21 — Janae Wiebe, 29, Hillsboro, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants after a traffic stop at 1st and Grant Sts. Police also investigated reports of a death in the 200 block of N. Cedar St., a dog barking in the 100 block of N. Freeborn St., and a traffic accident at Casey’s General Store.

May 22 — A trailer and skid loader were reported stolen; no additional information was provided. Police also investigated a report of a car in a manhole in the 1200 block of E. Main St. and of a mentally unstable person in the 100 block of N. Freeborn St. but were unable to find a suspicious person reported in the 900 block of N. Cedar St.

May 23 — A runaway juvenile from Anthony was found and turned over to juvenile authorities. Complaints about dogs running free in the 600 block of S. Cedar St. and at Denver and Coble Sts. and a suspicious person in the 100 block of Elm St. were investigated.

May 24 — A suspicious person at Ampride was investigated. Carl Helm, pastor of Marion Christian Church, bought fuel for the person and arranged for the person to obtain food from the Marion County Resource Center food bank.

May 25 — A false alarm at an automatic teller machine at Tampa State Bank and a parking complaint in the 200 block of N. Roosevelt St. were investigated. A suspicious juvenile walking the 600 block of N. Roosevelt St. was referred to juvenile authorities.

May 26 — A motorist was warned for failing to yield.

May 27 — Police took a report of child endangerment and warned motorists about use of an air horn and improper exhaust.

May 28 — A report of a parent giving a minor a drink of beer was referred to the county attorney. A motorist on K-150 two miles east of Marion was warned about speeding. Police investigated a report of a dog barking in the 700 block of S. Roosevelt St. The dog’s owners were not home, and the dog became aggressive with an officer when he attempted to determine whether it needed water.

May 29 — Police took a report of criminal damage to property in the 100 block of S. 3rd St.; further information was not released. Police also checked on the welfare of a resident in the 100 block of N. Roosevelt St.

May 30 — Officers met with two runaway juveniles in the 400 block of N. Cedar St. Neighbors complained again about the dog barking in the 700 block of S. Roosevelt St. but were unwilling to sign a complaint.

Thursday — Police contacted the owner of a dog running free and met at the request of St. Luke Assisted Living with the daughter of a patient involved in a 911 call.

Friday — Police were unable to catch a dog running free in Central Park and took photos of what were described as nuisance properties around the city.

Saturday — A non-injury accident in the 400 block of N. Freeborn St. and a domestic dispute apparently at Central Park were investigated. A report of a suspicious person in a driveway turned out to be a girl who was staying there talking on a phone. Police could not locate a person suspected of underage drinking at the Chingawassa Days beer garden.


May 22 — Police took a report of domestic battery in the 300 block of N. Locust St.

May 23 — Police investigated a case of shoplifting at Dollar General.

May 29 — Police investigated disorderly conduct in the 200 block of Sycamore St. and received a report of vandalism in the 700 block of N. Elm St.

May 30 — Police investigated a report of a violation of a protection from stalking order.

June 1 — Police investigated a case of burglary at Peabody Market and identified a juvenile as a suspect.

June 3 — Police investigated a non-injury accident at the corner of Peabody and Third Sts.

Last modified June 7, 2018