incident reports
Law enforcement agencies provided these reports of their activities this past week. Routine activities such as patrols, inspections, training, report-writing, and assistance to other agencies are excluded.
April 15 — Officers investigated a report of a suspicious person outside of the high school and a dog complaint in the 500 block of E. Grand St. A dog-at-large citation was issued.
April 16 — Officers investigated a report of a door-to-door salesperson at F and Ash Sts. A citation was issued for a dog at large in the 200 block of E. B St. Officers responded to a non-injury traffic accident D and Main Sts. and assisted sheriff’s deputies with an injury accident at 190th and Falcon Rds. A trespass complaint in the 100 block of S. Ash St. was investigated.
April 17 — Officers issued a citation for a dog at large in the 300 block of N. Main St. and investigated a parking complaint in the 200 block of E. 1st St.
April 18 — Officers arrested Clayton Lingenfelter, 20, Hillsboro, on suspicion of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon during a traffic stop. Officers investigated trespass complaints in the 500 block of S. Washington St. and 300 block of N. Ash St.
Thursday —
Officers investigated a trespass complaint in the 400 block of S. Main St.
Friday — Officers investigated suspicious activity in the 300 block of N. Birch St. and suspicious subjects near the industrial park. Officers investigated a criminal damage complaint in the 300 block of N. Ash St. and a report of broken beer bottles at Lincoln and 1st Sts. Officers performed a welfare check in the 100 block of N. Birch St. and investigated a truancy complaint.
Saturday — Officers responded to a non-injury traffic accident in the 300 block of N. Lincoln St.
April 8 — Officers met with the owner of a barking dog, gave three oral warnings for faulty headlamps and one for an obstructed tag, and investigated a report of a barking dog in the 400 block of N. Roosevelt St.
April 9 — Officers performed a welfare check. Officers assisted sheriff’s deputies with an out-of-control female and investigated a report of criminal damage. Two drivers were stopped for faulty tag lights.
April 10 — Officers investigated a 911 call hang-up in the 400 block of S. Roosevelt St., performed a welfare check, and stopped a vehicle for a faulty tag light. Officers investigated a report of an aggressive dog in the 200 block of N. 2nd St. and informed owner of city ordinances.
April 11 — Officers assisted with an out-of-control juvenile at Oasis, located and returned a dog at large in the 200 block of N. Coble St. to its owner, and took a report of suspicious activity in the 1200 block of E. Main St.
April 12 — Officers contacted owner about a dog at large in the 100 block of N. Roosevelt St., issued an oral warning for speeding in the 800 block of E. Main St., and responded to a non-injury accident in the 300 block of S. Roosevelt St.
April 13 — Officers assisted Marion firefighters with a gas spill at Casey’s General Store and conducted a child welfare check. Officers investigated a report of a possible missing child and the child was found OK. Warnings were issued to drivers for no tag displayed, speeding, and faulty headlight.
April 14 — Officers assisted sheriff’s deputies with possibly intoxicated drivers at Main and Elm Sts.
April 15 — Officers investigated a report of suspicious persons parked behind trees at the Sports and Aquatics Center. Officers contacted an individual about a gas skip in Newton and advised them to return and pay. Officers performed four traffic stops.
April 16 — Officers investigated a parking complaint near Weldon and Lincoln Sts., issued oral warnings for a faulty tag light and no trailer lights, and returned a dog to its owner.
April 17 — Officers responded to a dog-at-large complaint and contacted the owner. Officers investigated a report of gunshots east of Coble St. on the south edge of town and determined all was OK.
April 18 — Officers investigated a dog complaint in the 400 block of S. Coble St. and took a report of a dog barking complaint.
Thursday — Officers investigated a complaint from a property owner of an ATV driving on his property, as well as on the dike and by railroad tracks in Jex Addition.
Friday — Officers conducted five traffic stops and issued oral warnings for various infractions. Officers performed a traffic stop in the 200 block of Eisenhower Rd. and booked an individual on suspicion of possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.
Saturday — Officers issued an oral warning for driving left of center. Officers assisted motorists at US-56 and Timber Rd. and provided them with pizza and water while waiting for a wrecker.
April 16 – Charges are pending after police took a report of criminal damage to property and burglary in the 300 block of N. Vine St.
April 17 – Police took a bicycle theft report in the 700 block of N. Locust St. The bicycle was returned. Police also took a report of trespassing in the 700 block of N. Walnut St.
April 19 - Charges are pending on a juvenile after officers took a report of criminal damage to property and disorderly conduct at Peabody-Burns Junior/Senior High School. Police also investigated a case of theft at Dollar General.
April 20 – Charges are pending after police took an attempted burglary report in the 300 block of N. Vine St.
April 21 - Sara Laurie, 60, was arrested on suspicion of domestic battery, criminal damage to property, and possession of drug paraphernalia, and Richard Lopez, 60, was arrested on suspicion of domestic battery and possession of marijuana.
Last modified April 25, 2018