• Last modified 2555 days ago (Feb. 15, 2018)



Law enforcement agencies provided these reports of their activities this past week. Routine activities such as patrols, inspections, training, report writing, presentations, and assistance to other agencies are excluded.


Feb. 4 — A domestic disturbance in the 900 block of E. D St. was investigated.

Feb. 5 — Police took a report of harassment in the 500 block of E. Grand Ave.

Feb. 6 — A citizen reported money missing from an account. Suspicious activity downtown was checked.

Feb. 7 — A trailer was reported stolen in the 100 block of S. Wilson St. A report of possible animal neglect in the 200 block of E. 1st St. and a parking complaint in the 600 block of E. C St. were investigated.

Thursday — A reckless driver on US-56, a dog complain in the 200 block of S. Cedar St., a 911 disconnect in the 300 block of S. Main St., an abandoned vehicle in the 900 block of E. D St., and a person walking on the city airport’s landing strip were investigated.

Friday —Non-injury accidents in the 600 block of S. Ash St. and in the 100 block of S. Kennedy St. were investigated. A suicidal person was taken from the 400 block of N. Ash St. to Hillsboro Community Hospital for evaluation.

Saturday — A dog was reportedly let off its chain without the owner’s permission in the 300 block of W. 3rd St. An officer stood by during a civil matter in the 700 block of S. Lincoln St.


Jan. 26 — Police issued a citation for operating a vehicle without registration.

Jan. 28 — Police assisted Marion Fire Department with a carbon monoxide alarm in the 500 block of N. Coble. Officers issued a verbal warning for a semi with a left headlight flashing on and off and investigated a report of a stolen vehicle that turned out not to be stolen.

Jan. 29 — Officers stopped a driver with an expired tag, issued a citation for failing to stop and no insurance, and took reports of criminal use of a financial card and possible stalking.

Jan. 30 — Police took a report of criminal use of a financial card.

Jan 31 — Officers took a report of a juvenile runaway who was located and juvenile intake called.

Feb. 3 — Police took a report of possible harassment by phone.

Feb. 4 — Police investigated a business burglar alarm in the 1200 block of E. Main that turned out to be a false alarm.

Feb. 5 — Police investigated a report of a suspicious person in the area of Hudson and Cedar and found the situation was OK.

Feb. 6 — Police checked on the welfare of a resident on Victory Lane, investigated a report of a dog at large at Weldon and Cedar, arrested a driver for driving on a suspended license, and returned found property to the owner.

Feb. 7 — Officers took a report of a dog at large which was picked up by a citizen and taken to Animal Health Center.

Thursday — Police investigated a report of a suspicious person going door to door in the 200 block of N. Freeborn
St. and were unable to locate the vehicle or person described, and assisted an elderly female who was stuck with her wheelchair hanging off the edge of a wheelchair ramp.

Friday —Officers stopped a pickup driving behind the transfer station at 2:50 a.m. and arrested both occupants on suspicion of possession of stolen property and multiple warrants.


Feb. 6 — Officers investigated a report of fiduciary abuse on a dependent adult, a theft report, and Joshua Chase, 27, Peabody, was arrested for failure to appear.

Sat. — Shane Zerbe, 32, Wichita, was arrested on suspicion of burglary, possession of a controlled substance, drug paraphernalia, and criminal trespass.

Sun. — Officers worked an unattended death at Indian Guide Terrace apartments.

Last modified Feb. 15, 2018