• Last modified 2441 days ago (June 7, 2018)


County’s police dog
gets safety devices

Staff writer

Marion County police dog Karma has a new protective vest and heat alarm to protect her.

“If I’m not in my vehicle and it gets to a certain temperature, the windows automatically go down,” Karma’s handler, deputy Bronson Shipman said.

Karma already had a ballistic vest, but Shipman will test the donated model. The equipment was donated by the Humane Society.

“We’re excited to work together to create a safer way for Kansas canine officers to be able to do their job and keep their dogs and community safe,” state director Midge Grinstead said. “Offering these vests and car alarms not only protect the dog but the human officers as well.”

Shipman received the alarm system a few months ago, and the vest May 25.

“I think it’s awesome,” he said. “I’m grateful to be given something I can utilize for keeping my dog safe in the field.”

Last modified June 7, 2018