• Last modified 1790 days ago (March 19, 2020)


Activity reports

Law enforcement agencies provided these reports of their activities this past week. Routine activities such as patrols, inspections, training, report-writing, and assistance to other agencies are excluded.


March 9 – A 911 disconnect was reported. Two suspicious people were reported in the 300 block of N. Ash St.

March 11 – A harassment complaint was reported in the 200 block of E. 1st St.

Thursday – Standby was provided for a child custody dispute in the 800 block of W. Grand Ave.

Friday – A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 900 block of E. D St.

Saturday – A domestic disturbance was reported in the 300 block of W. 3rd St., and a separate call for a disorderly person was reported in the same block.

Sunday – Two teenagers were warned for trying to enter a vehicle parked at Memorial Park.


March 9 – A 911 disconnect was reported in the 300 block of E. Main St. Lost keys were turned in to the police. A parking complaint was reported in the 300 block of Garfield St. Two 911 disconnects investigated in the 300 block of E. Main St. were from a business having trouble with its phone.

March 10 – A loose dog reported in the 200 block of Elm St. was returned to its owner.

March 11 – Report of a stolen vehicle proved unfounded. A possible protection order violation was reported in the 600 block of S. Roosevelt St. A false alarm was reported in the 1000 block of Industrial St.

Thursday – Two loose dogs picked up in the 600 block of E. Main St. were taken to Animal Health Center. A motorist received a citation for no seatbelt near Eisenhower and Main Sts.

Friday – A lost wallet was returned to its owner.

Saturday – A loose dog reported in the 300 block of Garfield St. was returned to its owner in the 400 block of Grant St. Motorists were warned for seven instances various traffic violations.


Friday – A trespassing complaint was reported.

Last modified March 19, 2020