• Last modified 1892 days ago (Dec. 12, 2019)


Planning commission to get two new members

Staff writer

The county planning and zoning commission will get two additional members because the commission has grown from three members to five.

County commissioners at Monday’s meeting discussed whether to leave the planning commission at nine members, increase to 11 members, or boost it up to 15 members.

Commissioner Dianne Novak contended for a 15-member commission, and Jonah Gehring agreed.

Gehring said he’s heard people say county residents need more representation on the planning commission.

Planning and zoning director Sharon Omstead said she does not think people already serving on the planning commission, who are still willing to serve, should be kicked off.

“I think it’s in the best interest of the county to maintain as much continuity as we can,” commission chairman Kent Becker said.

County counsel Brad Jantz said state law gives commissioners the freedom to structure the planning commission as they see fit.

“It’s your call,” Jantz said. “You can have it any way you want.”

Commissioners ultimately cast a split vote to have each commissioner appoint two members to the planning commission and select one at large member. Becker, Dallke, Dave Crofoot, and Novak voted in favor. Gehring voted against the measure.

Last modified Dec. 12, 2019