Peabody mayor resigns
Tom Spencer takes over helm Jan. 28
Staff writer
After a decade of being Peabody’s mayor, Larry Larsen will open the Jan. 28 city council meeting, then pass the gavel to Tom Spencer, who will assume mayoral duties Jan. 28.
Larsen turned in his resignation Jan. 14 as he and his wife will be moving outside city limits.
“Karen and I bought an 11-acre farm,” Larsen said. “We’ll be re-doing the house as soon as the weather gets better.”
Larsen said he had enjoyed working behind the scenes, helping Peabody navigate forward by with downtown revitalization, seeking new business to come to Peabody, and helping to keep the grocery store open.
“I tried to do good. Whether I succeeded or failed, I was working forward,” he said.
Prior to being mayor, he was a city council board member for two years.
Now he’ll be splitting his time between his new home and his job with Marion County EMS, stationed in Hillsboro.
After he assumes his new duty, Spencer will appoint a new person to serve in his place on the council.
Last modified Jan. 24, 2019