• Last modified 2536 days ago (March 1, 2018)


Peabody Market getting grant-funded salad bar

Staff writer

Many locals are buzzing with the recent news of a fresh salad bar coming to Peabody Market.

The salad bar is a result of Healthy Eating: Rural Opportunities, a project initiated by the Sunflower Foundation of Topeka to ensure smaller communities have adequate access to healthy and nutritious food. Southern Marion County, including Peabody and Burns, is one of the foundation’s chosen targets.

Peabody Market owners Mike and Jadina Crow look forward to serving as the catalyst for integrating healthier options to the Peabody community.

“We have worked closely with them to make sure there are healthy eating options available at Peabody Market” said Jadina Crow. “We greatly appreciate what they’ve done for us too.”

Crow says she plans on comparing salad bar prices to Dillon’s, and salad will be sold by the pound.

“I’m still deciding everything that will go on the salad bar, but it will have things like carrots, kidney beans, peas, ham, turkey, and chicken,” said Crow. “I’m also considering a seafood salad.”

Crow says the salad bar was to be fully operational and ready for customers as of yesterday.

“I think it’s a good change for the community,” she said.

A local HERO reference group is a collaborative effort of eight community members and grant coordinator Becky Nickel who have met to brainstorm ideas that will utilize the grant in the most effective way during phase one. The idea for the salad bar was conceived during the brainstorming sessions of the reference group.

Through the grant, the Crows will be reimbursed up to $3,000 for the salad bar, but will be responsible for the operational costs.

Nickel is optimistic about the addition.

“We felt that a salad bar would impact the most people,” she said. “It’s a healthy meal option for people on the go that wasn’t available previously.”

Last modified March 1, 2018