• Last modified 2545 days ago (Feb. 22, 2018)


Peabody-Burns FFA hosts community giveaway

Staff writer

Amid racks of gently used clothes, kitchenware, toys, and other various items are also laughs and exclamations such as “look at this,” as the Peabody-Burns FFA chapter put final touches on its giveaway program Monday in the basement of the United Methodist Church.

The giveaway is an addition to the week’s annual FFA events. Chapter sponsor Gretchen Hind says the idea came from the members.

“During our annual officer retreat before school starts we discuss our plans for the year to be in good standing,” Hind said. “We talk about the traditional things and then new ideas. This year the kids game up with a clothing drive to give back to the community. They’re very driven by community service.”

Peabody-Burns school board members heard from Hind about the new addition at the Feb. 14 meeting and received positive feedback.

“I think the giveaway is a really nice addition,” said board member Donna Glover.

Hind and the chapter members were pleased with the turnout of items to give, which filled up two entire rooms.

“I never imagined we’d get this much stuff,” Hind said. “We had single families donating up to 10 bags.”

Four years ago the chapter also started an elementary school day to add to FFA week.

They decided to shelve that idea this year as three of the last four years have been canceled due to weather, but they haven’t given up on the idea entirely.

“We still plan on doing it in the future, but with the giveaway being in its first year, we decided to focus our attention on it,” Hind said.

Hind says that their goal is to give away of most of the items in order to give directly back to the community, but she plans to take any leftover goods to a girls home in Newton and homeless shelters.

“Seeing the kids rallying around something like this and the support from the community has been amazing,” Hind said.” I want people to know how hard these kids work for FFA week. It definitely isn’t just me, the kids and their parents are fantastic and the support the community has for our program is overwhelming.”

For those who missed Monday’s opportunity to check out the event, it will still be available from 4-7 p.m. today and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday.

Whereas the week takes a lot of hard work and dedication from all involved, Hind says it’s all worth it in the end.

“After the week is over I am always almost in tears from being so thankful for the community and the kids in our chapter,” she said.

Last modified Feb. 22, 2018