• Last modified 1902 days ago (Nov. 28, 2019)




Michele Gossen’s morning class

Bennett: I am thankful for vacations with my mom and dad. Those are very fun!

Scarlett: I am thankful for my mom and dad.

Penelope: I am thankful for my house.

Chayse: I am thankful for playing outside.

Zach: I am thankful for my mommy.

Hezekiah: I am thankful for my mom and dad.

Chyanne: I am thankful for my mom and Zach.

Jayden: I am thankful for my house.

Milo: I am thankful for mom, dad Anna, and Wyatt.

Michele Gossen’s afternoon class

Olivia: I am thankful for my mom dad, and Winston and Logan. I am thankful for my dogs named Lucy and Chancer.


I am thankful that my mom loves me. I’m thankful for my dad. I love daddy! I am thankful for toys.


I love my grandma. I’m thankful for Jewell and Gypsy.


I am thankful for toys.


I am thankful for daddy, momma, Jace and baby Grayson and toys.


I am thankful for grandma, poppa, mommy and daddy.


I am thankful for unicorns.


I am thankful for cupcakes.


I am thankful for toys.


I am thankful for letters (alphabet), dad, mom, Guilano, and Millie.


I am thankful for mom, dad, grandpa, and grandma.



Sarah Hagen

I am thankful for my sisters Kayla and Lincolnn.

Emma Partridge

I am thankful for my teacher.


I am thankful for mom.

Not signed

I am thankful for mom.


I am thankful for Torrance and Mom.

William Brown

I am thankful for space and aliens.

Asa Good

I am thankful for my train tracks.

Julian Swain

I am thankful for my mom, dad and me.

Deglan Harper-Head

I am thankful for my bed and my cousin.

Harper Foth

I am thankful for Kayden.

Logan Dunahoo

I am thankful for my sister.


I am thankful for my mom.

Jaice Bennett

I am thankful for Levi, Kayden and Asa.

Travis Davis

I am thankful for teachers.

Jazlyn K.

I am thankful for Kayden.


I am thankful for my stuffed animals.

Caden G.

I am thankful for my teachers.

Alexa Dutton

I am thankful for my x-men.

Ellie R.

I am thankful for my buba.


I am thankful for Ava.

Kymbree Hurst

I am thankful for my dad.


I am thankful for my dog and my family.


I am thankful for my mom and my dad and my brother because I love them.


I am thankful for my family and Chinese food.


I am thankful for turkey.


I am thankful for turkey because I love it.


I am thankful for pumpkin pie.


I am thankful.


I am thankful for when my dad keeps me safe.


I am thankful for turkey.


I am thankful for turkey and family.


I am thankful for my dad.


I am thankful for my dad for keeping me safe.


I am thankful for my friends and family, my teacher, my brothers, and dogs and cats.


I am thankful for my dad keeping me safe.


I am thankful for mommy, daddy and my sisters.


I am thankful for my family because they love me and I love them, too.


Third Grade

Emily Hedrick’s class

I am thankful for my family and getting to go to school and having warm clothes and friends and a house and a bed.

I am thankful for my family because they are nice to me.

I am thankful for warm clothes because if I did not have warm clothes I would FREEZE.

I am also thankful for trees and grass and flowers. Without them, we would not be able to breathe.


I am thankful playing football because I can tackle in many different ways. I am thankful for my friends, because they got my back and I got theirs. And, especially, my dad’s.


I love pizza and I love birds. I like my mom and dad and grandma. I like school and math. I love all UNO games. I like more games of UNO!


I am very thankful about having this very, very nice school. And my friends and family, they are amazing. People are very nice here. I’m super happy to be here. I love my life and everyone should, too! Be thankful every day and night — so be happy every day! Be happy to have a roof over your head.


I am thankful for being born. I love my life. All the people that don’t like their lives, be thankful. Because at least you have a roof over your head. At least you get fed. At least you are alive.

And me. I’m thankful for having a life, and being fed, and having a roof over my head and going to school.


I’m thankful for my cousin. He is in the army. He protects the USA.


I am thankful for my mom, dad, dog, and uncle. I love them because of everything: coming, game skills, helping me, training me to defend myself, learning more each day. I am always thankful. I am thankful for my full house. I really love Engal my dog, before Megatron, my new dog.


I am thankful for having an family and cooking with my family. I am thankful for having friends that I can trust. I am thankful for having a pet, two dogs, and one cat. I like playing games with my family. I am thankful for my brother.


I am thankful for my family. I love my friends. I am thankful for my life. I am thankful for Kayden and Aliena and more friends. I am thankful for Josh and Aiyonna and Alex and Jojo and Allie and Jessie and Aunt Kelsey and Uncle Keith and Jackie and Cole and Lexa and Gabe. Also, I am thankful for my class.

And my mom and dad and Hunter, Miles, Jacob and Grandma Pam and Grandma Carla.


I am thankful for my BEYBLADES. I am thankful for my mom and dad, Grammie and Grandad.


I am thankful for many things: my family, my mom, my friends, and my teachers.


I am thankful for my family and the roof over my head and a bed to sleep in. And that my parents have just enough money so I have what I need. I am grateful for a world to live on and I am thankful for my friends and my school family.

I am grateful for a phone because not everyone has one.

I am grateful for a teacher. I am grateful for a dog of my own and I am grateful for a Christmas tree that lights the whole house up.

I am thankful for presents under the tree every year and a turkey to eat every year and Valentines cards to pass around every year, and for Halloween. You can get the free candy every year.

I am thankful for electricity and TVs and my mom and dad and for a backpack to put stuff in, and a town to live and books to read.


I’m thankful for my daddy because I was his angel and I was his daddy’s girl — and I love my dad so much. I am so happy that he’s married and I’m a stepdaughter. I miss my dad and my dad’s wife is part of the Brown family and I am so excited. The most exciting part is I am a stepdaughter.


I am thankful for my life and my mom and dad and my sister and my brother because they have my back. I am thankful for PS4 and Fortnight and Vbucks and Fortnight skins and the battle pass.


I am thankful to have a school and a house. I am also thankful for a cat and a dog and I’m thankful because we are getting a new cat/kitten. I love my house because I can run in circles all day.

I love my school because it’s easy and I’m thankful for animals because they are so fluffy!!

I’m thankful for a dad and a mom. I’m really grateful for what I have. I love everything and I’, really grateful for my amazing friends. I like to play with my friends and talk and help them, too.

I am thankful for my pencil and food. I love food. It will keep me alive. If I eat good food it will keep me alive, but junk food won’t. It will make my teeth be bad.

I love pencils. I can write with it and make stories like this one. I like writing stories.

I am thankful for my gummy bear pants and my phone. I love my phone and TicToc and all my games and my YouTube account.

I am also thankful for my teacher — my third grade teacher.


I am thankful for my family, food, clothes, friends: Josh, Avery, Kayden, Gracie, Gavin, Eryn, Astrid, Aliena, Larryssa, Tavin, Journey, Rylin, Madylyn, Bentley, Kash, and Leroy. Teachers: Mrs. Hedrick, Mrs. Riggs, Mr. Schafer, Mrs. Gossen, Mrs. Hagen, Mrs. Hanneman, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Goodwin.

I am thankful for school supplies, school, a house, creatures, pets, clocks, chairs, couches, books, nature, Kleenexes, coloring stuff, paper, stapler, backpacks, desks, drinks roads, cars, computers, cups, games, paint, erasers, pens, pencils, windows, eyes ears and nose, arms, legs, feet, hands, trash cans, TV, glasses, tables, mouth, cabinets, belly, backs and names.


I am thankful for my family. I went to Worlds of Fun with my dad and sister. I am thankful for my mom because she gave me a house.

I am thankful for my little brother because he makes me laugh. I’m thankful for my big brother because he’s always nice to me. I am thankful for my sister because I love her and she is my sister and makes me laugh.

I am thankful for my aunt and uncle because they let me sleep in their camper when it was raining outside and we were camping.


I am thankful for sports. I like baseball and my favorite player, Jacque Peterson, is in the MLB. I have friends who are interested in baseball.

I am thankful for fourth graders, because I have 18 friends in my life. They are there for me when I get hurt at school.

I am thankful for summer and the nice weather to play in.

I like veterans because they give us freedom.

I am thankful for Pokemon — there are awesome cards.

I am thankful for my family because they give me life. I am thankful for God, because he helps me in bad moments.

I am thankful for books, because books give me something to do when I am bored.

I am thankful for video games because I can play Halo.

I am thankful for clothes and houses. Clothes keep me warm. And houses because I need somewhere to go.


Dear Peabody,

I’m thankful for my friends and family because they’re there when I need them.

The world provides everything we need. Nature provides our food and water.

I’m thankful for my parents who provide a home, clothes, and money. My mom and dad have a car and they drive to and from work where they make money for me and them.

I like school because I get to see my friends — books because they get to be a big part of my life in school.

I am thankful for pets because they’re in the family and I love them a lot.


Dear Peabody,

I am thankful for the world. I am thankful for it, because it is where I live.

I am thankful for apps that help me concentrate.

I am thankful for hot Cheetos because they are good for a snack at midnight.

I am thankful for God because he made me.

I am thankful for my pets, they help me calm down.

I am thankful for books, they help me learn.

I am thankful for my family because they make food for me and pay for my phone.

I am thankful for food and water because it helps me grow.

I am thankful for my friends because they are always there when I need them.


fourth grade

Raquel Riggs’ class

Dear Peabody,

I am thankful for Bon Bons, who is my dog.

I am grateful for my family because they keep me safe.

I appreciate my friends for keeping me going.

I like Mrs. Riggs, my teacher who is kindhearted.

My dad makes me laugh.

I am thankful for the clothes on my back. They keep me warm.

I am grateful for my house because it keeps me away from the rain. I like my life because I get to play games.

Gabriel Glenn

I’m surprised how many things I’m thankful for.

I thankful for my family because they play games with me and support me. I’m also thankful for friends because I support them, so in return I get support.

I am also glad for books, if I didn’t have them I would be bored to death.

I’m thankful for sports like baseball, basketball and football. It’s fun for me!

And I’m also very glad for food, water and air, because if we didn’t have those things, we wouldn’t be here right now.

I’m also thankful for sleep — I need sleep or I’d be going crazy.

I’m also thankful for toys. Toys are fun, they keep me from getting bored. I’m glad to have them.

I’m also thankful for my life. Life is awesome because I wouldn’t be alive right now.

And the very last thing I am thankful for is God and Jesus. They both are great, because God created the world and Jesus saved us from our sins — that’s all.


I am thankful for my family because I love them.

I am thankful for God because He created life.

I am thankful for Christmas because I get to spend time with the people I love.

I am thankful for food because it keeps me alive.

I am thankful for video games because they are fun.

I am thankful for clothes because they keep me warm.

I am thankful for sports because they are heart healthy.

I am thankful for winter because it is my favorite season of the year. I like the snow.


I am thankful for my dogs Luna and Kona because they like to play with me.

My mom and dad make me feel better. I like to spend time with my family. I am thankful for my grandma and how she makes me laugh. My aunt brings music into my life. My cousin Graclynn plays with me.

Kiah Wattson

I am thankful for the state we live in, Kansas.

Thank you God for my family and the friends you gave me.

Thank you Peabody for books in the library.

Thank you for putting candy in the stores.

I love holidays and I hope that all of Peabody loves holidays, too.

Elizabeth F.

I am grateful for mom and dad because they care about me. My dog cheers me up if I feel down. My brother makes me laugh a lot. I am grateful for my family because they keep me safe.

Mrs. Riggs, my teacher is kind to me. I like food because its healthy for me. Friends make me happy. My aunts are nice to me.

Gaby Sears

I’m thankful for my mom because she loves me. My aunt Rachel gives me toys. I am grateful for my brother, Wes, who gives me a toy car.

My dog Elliemae protects me. My dad keeps me safe.

I appreciate Mrs. Riggs, my teacher, who helps me when I get mad.

My house puts a roof over my head to protect me. Money buys me food, clothes and a car.

Wrangler McFall

I am thankful for family and friends because I love them!

I am also thankful for food and nutrients for me! I am also thankful for the Earth and my teacher because I love those things.

I am thankful for school to help me learn for my education! And I am thankful to God because he created me!

I am very thankful for men’s and women’s rights. I am also thankful for veterans because they served in the army for me!

And I am also thankful for my pets because they cheer me up when I am sad. I have four pets and their names are Walin, Luna, Oreo and Pach!


I am thankful for a home. My home protects me from rain, snow, and storms. I am also thankful for school, so I can learn and get an education.

I am thankful for my family and my friends Tarah and Abby because they make me laugh and give me support.

Food and water are also some things I am thankful for. They keep me healthy and help me survive. I am also thankful for clothing because it keeps me warm.

I am thankful for paper and pencils so I can write. Another thing I am thankful for are books, so I can read them for entertainment.

Nadia R.

I am thankful for mom and dad because they support me. My cats and dogs are cuddly. I am grateful for my friends to play with. I appreciate pumpkins to carve. I am thankful for clothes to keep me warm.

I am grateful for my sister and brothers to play with. I appreciate food to keep me alive.

I like school to learn.

Issy Fistler

I’m thankful for sports because it’s a big part of my life. I am thankful for horses because they are what brings my family together. I’m thankful for family because they help me when I need it.

I’m thankful for school because I would not be able to get a job. I am thankful for my life because I would not be alive.

I’m thankful for team roping because it builds character. I’m thankful for home because home is a place to stay. Clothes because I would get cut up and stuff.

I am thankful for rodeos — they are a big part of my life.

Wyatt Lee

I am thankful for my family. They love me, and trust me, and feed me. I am thankful for friends. They are always making sure I am safe.

I am grateful for water, it keeps me alive.

I am thankful for a house, because it keeps me safe from storms.

I am thankful for horses, they are amazing animals to have. I love horses because they are my passion.

I am happy to have a nephew because they are cute babies.

I am happy to have food because it keeps me alive and thankful for my mom because she provides food, electricity, and water and she works really hard.

I am thankful for my sister because she spends a lot of time with me and loves me.


I am thankful for my best friends named Kins, Nadia and Abby.

I am thankful for my teachers Mrs. Riggs and more.

I am grateful for food, clothing, my house, and going to school and the world.

I am happy to have my classmates Ellie, Issy, Jason, Abby, Nadia, Kins, Syd, Eli, Wyatt, Gaby, Gabe, Wrangler, Kiah, Kaylee, Deran, Layla, Braydn, Bella, Aiyonna and Cale! I am thankful for my class because they are there for me — they are AMAZING!

I am thankful for my cat because he is there for me and makes me HAPPY when I am sad.

My family, I am thankful for them because they make me HAPPY. I am thankful for my mom because she is the best mom ever. I am thankful for Moe — she is the best person ever, she makes me happier than the world.

I am thankful for my life!

I am thankful for SUCH AMAZING people in this world!



I am thankful for my family and my friends because they are very nice and they are always there when I need them. For my family, they let me and my brothers do anything and get anything.

I am thankful for my cousins because they are always there when I need them. I am thankful for churches because they give us food! I am thankful for school because I learn more and more.

I am thankful for my brothers because they are always there when I need them.


I am thankful for family and friends. Because for me, my family and my friends are the best.


I am thankful for my friends and my family. Because they always take care of me.


I am thankful for mom and dad and sister and grandma and grandpa. I am thankful because they protect me.


I am thankful for my sisters and family. Because they are here for me. I am also thankful for Indians and God. Because they love me.

I am also thankful for Jesus. Because he can keep me safe.


I am thankful for having a nice school. I am thankful for having a nice family. I am thankful for them because they are nice to have.


I am thankful for my friends and family. I am thankful for them because whenever I need them, they are there. And they are so helpful. They are helpful, because when I need help they do not ignore me, they help me. And they are nice to be around.


I am thankful for saving a baby cow. Because me and my papa helped it in the freezing cold.


I am thankful for my friends and family because they help me with my bed and my room.


I am thankful for my sister and my brothers. Three of my brothers are in the army.


I am thankful for the USA government because they fought in wars and served our country.


I am thankful for family and friends. I am thankful for them because I know they always have my back. They are just so loving. They are so loving because they hug and kiss me a lot.


I am thankful for the Indians. I am thankful for them because they helped the pilgrims.


I am thankful for brothers. My dad helps me.


I am thankful for my mom and dad because they help me with dishes.


I am thankful for the school, family and friends. For you and my knowledge and my dogs that keep me safe and a house to live in, so I could be safe and live.


I am thankful for family. Because if I didn’t have a family, I wouldn’t be here. Even though we are family, we still get into fights sometimes. But we are having a decent time as a family.

I have a cousin that lives with me. Her name is Tarah. She likes the color purple and her favorite thing is a stuffed pink teddy she got when she was probably 3-5. I got one, too. Mine was brown, but then I lost it on the trip to Ecuador and I got it this year. I missed it very much.

I also got a grandma. Her name is Gail. I think her favorite color is blue and her favorite thing to do is sew, crochet, and basically anything that involves needles and string or yarn.

Next is my grandpa. His name is Jim. His favorite color is green. He says that is because he likes money.


I am thankful for the school, my friends, and family that I have. I’m thankful for the wonderful pets I have that make me so happy.


I am thankful for being able to see my friends every day. I am thankful for being able to be at school every day. I am thankful for being able to get food every day. I am thankful for being able to get presents on my birthday and Christmas.


I am thankful for everything I get on Christmas. I am thankful for all my teachers. I am thankful for my friends and family. I am thankful for getting to go on field trips. I am thankful for my school. I am thankful for my life and God.


I am thankful for my family and friends. And the trips we go on at school. They are so fun to me. And next year — we probably won’t go on them next year, but that’s fine with me.

And I am very happy that I can play sports like softball and swim team, and track.


I am thankful for having a big family. And being able to play a lot of sports. I am thankful for having a family. Because I have a warm bed and a house. And I get to have a lot of friends. I also love playing a lot of sports. Because I can meet a lot of new friends.


I am thankful for my family. And my teachers that help me learn. I am thankful for my friends that make me not lonely. I am thankful for life and everything in it.

I am thankful for meals that I eat. And I am thankful that when I get home I can do so much. And I am thankful for the people who read this.


I am thankful for all my grandparents still being alive. All of my grandparents are above 80 years old, so I am thankful for that.


I am thankful for my family. My mom and dad I am thankful for most.

My mom is going to school to pay for our stuff and to get a better job. She goes to school at 5 a.m. or 8 a.m. and gets home at 2:30 or 5 or 6 p.m. Then she makes dinner and gets us bathed, does the laundry and then she eats. She tucks us in, then she does her homework.

She always puts our own needs before her. I am so thankful for that.

My dad, because he always tries to help us and always succeeds.


I am thankful for having all my friends and teachers. I am thankful for the symphony. I am thankful for Mr. Traxton and Mrs. Prenheim. I am thankful for the little kids. And last, but not least, my family.


I am thankful for my mom because she gave birth to me. I’m thankful for my dad for raising me to now.

I’m thankful for my friends for helping me get through things. I am thankful for being alive. I love myself.


Last modified Nov. 28, 2019