• Last modified 2492 days ago (April 19, 2018)


Park playground donation match deadline quickly approaching

Staff writer

In February, Peabody Hearts for Hart Park, began collecting donations that will be matched up to $10,000 dollars by an anonymous donor. Funds will go toward refurbishing old playground equipment and the purchase of new equipment at Peabody City Park.

“Right now, we have a little over $6,000,” said committee member N.M. Patton. “So we need just about $4,000 to complete for the match.”

Anyone who wishes has until May 1 to take donations to Hannah Bourbon at Vintage Bank in downtown Peabody.

“We are starting to do repairs and repainting of equipment we have now,” said Patton. “That should be all done in the next couple of months. Then we will start the process of adding new equipment, and that will go through next year.”

Patton said the total project goal is $200,000 and if the entire $10,000 is raised and matched by the anonymous donor, the committee will have raised approximately $35,000.

“Between $2,000 and $3,000 of funds already raised have been from former Peabody residents,” he said. “It’s come from people outside of the community who still come back to enjoy the park. They played on the equipment when they were young and want to keep it up. That’s very good.”

Patton said that they also plan to get rid of four pieces of equipment, following directions from the insurance company.

“We will be getting rid of two slippery slides and replacing the swan and horse swings,” he said.

Patton is pleased with the donations and assistance the committee has received so far in their efforts to update the long-standing park.

“It makes me feel very good,” he said. “We have a long way to go, but people have been very generous and I really appreciate everything everyone is doing.”

Last modified April 19, 2018