• Last modified 2450 days ago (May 31, 2018)


Out-of-town angler hooked on county lake

Tim Trammell was impressed with Marion County Park and Lake when he and his family came for Memorial Day weekend camping and fishing.

“This is the first time I’ve been to this lake, but I can see why people would want to come back here,” Trammell said. “It’s a lot bigger than I thought.”

His large family group from Hutchinson, Buhler, Canton, and McPherson brought a passel of children and five dogs, setting up camp on the south shore of the lake near a fishing dock.

Trammell, from Hutchinson, planned to remain at the lake until Sunday.

Saturday morning, he said he’d caught seven bass and four channel catfish the night before.

“I love camping out and being in the outdoors,” Trammell said. “I love doing the camping. I’m not a fan of the RVs. Bring your tent, bring your ice chest, and camp.”

Trammell noticed many people skiing during the afternoon but said boaters were polite and didn’t come too close to the shore where people are fishing.

“I kind of like bank fishing,” Trammell said. “You can explore the bank better.”

Another reason he likes the lake is because it’s well-kept.

“I would say all you have to do is stand up and look,” he said. “I do have to say they keep this lake nice, clean, and well-kept.”

The children, ranging from a toddler to 16, spent Saturday morning and afternoon casting lines baited with chicken liver and pulling up fish, most of them keepers that were added to a stringer to be cleaned and eaten for dinner.

The county lake no longer requires anglers to buy fishing permits, but state fishing licenses are required. All boats must be checked for zebra mussels. The lake also offers a swimming beach, a heated fishing dock, restrooms, picnic facilities, shelter houses, and a playground.

Last modified May 31, 2018