• Last modified 1810 days ago (Feb. 28, 2020)


Staff photo by Alexander Simone

Firefighters stand next to a vehicle after it ran into a train Thursday night on K-15 at Durham. The driver, Ronald Myhre of Gypsum, died after being thrown from his vehicle.

One fatality in crash with train

A Gypsum man died Thursday evening after he crashed his pickup into a westbound train at Durham. Ronald L. Myhre, 50, hit the train at 7:01 p.m., according to Kansas Highway Patrol’s report.

He was southbound on K-15, the report said, but no reason for the crash was listed.

Myhre, who was not wearing a seatbelt, drove a 2003 Ford F-150 through the crossing guard, colliding with the train. He was thrown from the vehicle and died at the scene. The crushed truck was dragged 50 yards west.

KHP, Marion County sherrif’s deputies, multiple ambulances, Hillsboro Fire Department, and Marion County Emergency Management responded.

Further details to come in Marion County Record.

Last modified Feb. 28, 2020