• Last modified 2441 days ago (June 7, 2018)



These offense reports were released this past week by law enforcement agencies:



Owner Daren Arndt reported Friday that a can of gasoline valued at $15 was stolen between May 25 and 30 from a temporary structure in the block of US-56 in Lehigh.

Criminal damage

A glass door, valued at $600, was reported broken between 5 p.m. May 20 and 10 a.m. May 21 at Keith’s Foods, 216 E. Main St., Goessel.


Vehicle burglary and theft

James Chavez, 34, reported that a toolbox and tools valued at $450 were stolen between 5 p.m. May 25 and 2 p.m. May 28 by a burglar who did an estimated $500 damage breaking a window on Chavez’s 1987 Honda Civic while it was parked in the street at his residence in the 100 block of S. Wilson St.

Criminal damage

Tabor assistant football coach Ozzie Orozco, 28, reported that a door window valued at $50 was broken between 3:30 and 6 p.m. May 25 at an apartment in the 100 block of N. Jefferson St.

No motive for the damage could be established. An inner window was broken, but an outer window was not damaged.

The building is owned by Robert and Rise Myers of San Ramon, Texas.

Battery, assault and disorderly conduct

James Wullenweber, 35, of Hillsboro was arrested on suspicion of assault, battery, and disorderly conduct after what reports described as a drunken brawl at a graduation party at 8:55 p.m. Saturday at a mobile home park in the 300 block of W. 3rd St.

Acquaintance Dylan Horton, 18, and stranger Kyle Horton, 17, both of a different Hillsboro address, were listed as suffering apparent minor injuries in the incident.

Brian Hiebert, 21, Marion, reportedly was threatened but not injured.

Wullenweber was released from jail released on a $1,500 surety bond.

Last modified June 7, 2018