Nursing home all in for national recognition week
Staff writer
Peabody Heath and Rehab is ever flowing this week as it transitions from a bustling casino, to a clown filled carnival, and even a farm complete with a petting zoo as it celebrates National Skilled Nursing Week.
“This year’s theme is ‘Celebrating Life’s Stories,’’’ said administrator Melissa Parmley. “We interviewed all of our residents with interesting questions and posted them on large sheets of paper throughout the hallways.”
Parmley said questions included prompts like the most interesting job they had, where they would travel if they could go anywhere, and more.
“It helps us get to know each other on a whole new level,” she said.
Other activities included a balloon release and outdoor baseball game Monday, and casino day yesterday with staff dressed like card dealers in black and white. Today the halls will be filled with games and staff members sporting red clown noses for carnival day.
Tomorrow, participants will be decked out in overalls for farm day with a petting zoo to bring smiles to residents’ faces. The week will conclude Friday with a staff barbecue.
Parmley said the choice is left up to each resident as to how much they participate in festivities.
The facility will also feature an open house from 2 to 4p.m. Friday.
“The open house will highlight renovated flooring in the front lobby and offices,” said Parmley, “Refreshments will also be served.”
Parmley said there are prizes for staff that participate during the special week, and many memories are made.
“Last year we had a resident that had never had cotton candy before,” she said. “It was such a joyful moment to see her delight in eating cotton candy the first time, and it was very rewarding.
It’s a fun week of activities for the staff and residents.”
Last modified May 17, 2018