• Last modified 2296 days ago (Nov. 1, 2018)


Novelist to speak on Kansas poor farms

Author Wes Brummer will talk about Kansas poor farms at Friday’s Lifelong Learning session at 9:45 a.m. Friday in the Heritage Lobby within the Shari Flaming Center for the Arts on the Tabor College campus.

Brummer, born and raised in Kingman, grew up in a family that loved telling stories about growing up during the Depression. He used those conversations, plus oft-repeated stories from many family reunions, for the background of his first published novel, “Dust and Roses.”

Brummer is working on a second novel that takes place in a fictionalized version of Camp Concordia, a POW facility for German soldiers.

Copies of “Dust and Roses” will be available for purchase.

The public is welcome to attend Lifelong Learning programs and may register at the door. Admission is $5 per session. Lunch will be available in the college cafeteria after the session at a discounted price of $4.

Last modified Nov. 1, 2018