• Last modified 1150 days ago (June 2, 2021)


New grads to take over concessions

Staff writer

They grew up together at the city’s ballpark, so now three softball stars plan to make money for college by operating its concession stand.

Marion High graduates Macy Sigel, Laura Savage, and Megan Neufeld have signed a lease to operate the stand this summer, pending city council approval June 14.

The agreement has been on the council’s agenda Tuesday, but the council delayed action because there were questions about its wording.

Council member Ruth Herbel said there shouldn’t be a problem.

“I, for one, am glad the girls are willing to take it over,” she said.

The three have been tight since they can remember. Siegel and Savage met in preschool, and Neufeld joined them at Marion Elementary in second grade.

The girls looked for summer jobs to help launch their college careers and decided to team up when recreation director Margo Yates offered them the stand.

“We thought this would give us another chance to work together before we head off to college,” Sigel said. “one last thing before we go our separate ways.”

Yates is relieved the girls have stepped up to help the community.

She offered the stand to area restaurant owners and other businesses only to have them back out.

“It’s a great way to give jobs to three graduating seniors and have them make money for college,” she said.

Running the stand this summer will be a tough job, Yates said.

“I have run it in the past,” she said. “A lot of people ask why we don’t have several varieties of something.”

Sigel, Neufeld, and Savage made a shopping trip and stocked the stand with the help of a donor who wanted to remain anonymous.

“We were very grateful to be given some money by someone to start off,” Sigel said. “We were able to buy pretty much everything we needed.”

They plan to offer kids items like granola and applesauce in addition to the expected fare of hot dogs, popcorn, and nachos.

If everything goes well, they plan to run concessions during baseball games at the ballpark until sometime in July.

Last modified June 2, 2021