This information was filed last week in court. Court costs are included in any fines listed. If no hometown is listed, no address was available on court records.
Mikayla A. Boge, Brighton, Colorado, speeding 16 mph over limit Nov. 28, $230.
Fabian B. Iniquez, Clinton, Wisconsin, speeding 15 mph over limit Nov. 20, $210.
Jessey R. Loux, Valley Center, speeding 16 mph over limit Nov. 28, $230.
Bonnie S. Mendoza, Durham, speeding 13 mph over limit Nov. 24, $190.
Valentino Pauda, Ulysses, speeding 15 mph over limit Nov. 28, $210.
Linda R. Ramirez, Marion, parking in a no-parking zone Oct. 28, $50.
Cameron C. Redick, Barnard, Missouri, speeding 9 mph over limit and driving with a suspended license July 24, $150.
Desiree M. Schmedemann, Hutchinson, speeding 17 mph over limit Nov. 28, $250.
Kimberlee J. Stagner, Bolivar, Missouri, speeding 14 mph over limit Nov. 11, $200.
Jerry E. Tajchman, Marion, improper parking Oct. 1, $50.
Last modified Dec. 23, 2021