• Last modified 1911 days ago (Nov. 14, 2019)


court cases

These dispositions of municipal court cases were released this week. Amounts include court costs.


Jace E. Evans, expired driver’s license Aug. 12, $150.

Frankie P. Kelley, speeding 13 mph over the limit, $154.


Kevin L. Lemon, Tampa, driving with suspended license Aug. 3, $199.

Bryan T. Grosse, Marion, driving with suspended license June 20, $99.

Jessi A. Blevins, Manhattan, speeding 11 mph over the limit July 20, $159.

Jessi A. Lewman, Marion, speeding 16 mph over the limit Aug. 7, $219.

Jared A. Smith, Marion, improper parking Aug. 17, $50.

Timothy J. Krauss, parking where prohibited Aug. 17, $50.

Alejandro Guerrero-Cabrera, Cobden, Illinois, speeding 19 mph over the limit Aug. 19, $404.

Lonnie D. Bailey, Emporia, ignition interlock device required Aug. 24, $199.

Eric C. VanBuskirk, Parkville, Missouri, speeding 15 mph over limit Sept. 7, $324.

Kevin L. Kelsey, Marion, illegal tag Sept. 14, $99.

Barbara A. Clay, Florence, speeding 13 mph over limit Sept. 27, $304.

Grant Glaser, Marion, illegal tag Sept. 27, $149.

Danny J. Torres, Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, speeding 19 mph over limit $290.

Brandyn K. Schadel, Marion, improper parking Oct. 11, $110.

Last modified Nov. 14, 2019