• Last modified 2480 days ago (April 26, 2018)



These dispositions of municipal court cases were reported this past week. All fines include court costs.


Kylie A. Finley, Big Lake, Alaska, no proof of motor vehicle liability insurance March 5, $845.

Kelsie S. Glenn, Peabody, driving under the influence March 28, $1,715.

Demetrius A. Shelton, Olathe, speeding 13 mph over limit, no proof of motor vehicle liability insurance, driving while license suspended March 29, $707.

Tyler J. Slater, Peabody, no driver’s license in possession, no proof of motor vehicle liability insurance March 29, $365.

Emily J. Timmermeyer, Peabody, no proof of motor vehicle liability insurance, failure to yield at stop sign or yield sign, and tampering with ignition interlock device March 29, $445.

Brianna C. Washington, Peabody, illegal tag, driving while license suspended March 29, $1,115.

Tammy Britton, Peabody, no city tag April 12, $165.

Angela Doty, Peabody, no city tag April 12, $140.

Cameron M. Finnesy, Newton, illegal tag, no proof of motor vehicle liability insurance, no driver’s license April 12, $952.

Gerald D. Hager, Florence, additional equipment required on certain vehicles, no proof of motor vehicle liability insurance April 12, $415.

Jeannie M. Henry, Peabody, defective headlamps, driving while license suspended April 12, $475.

Lacy Laffery, Peabody, no city tag, no proof of vaccination April 12, $165.

Vince Newman, Peabody, no city tag April 12, $140.

Pamela Rickard, Peabody, no city tag April 12, $140.

Frankie Stevenson, Peabody, no city tag, vaccination, $165.

Carnie Tibbets, Peabody, no city tag April 12, $140.

Last modified April 26, 2018