OCT. 18, 1942
A big scrap metal and material drive will come to a climax throughout Marion County this weekend with a long way yet to go before the quota expected for the county is to be obtained.
Bowlby Clothing Store, which has been a part of Marion since just after World War I, closed its doors this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bowlby have been conducting a closeout sale for several weeks.
Mrs. Eugene Knackstedt entertained Monday afternoon with a party in honor of son Larry’s 3rd birthday. The children played games and received as favors popcorn balls and large peppermint sticks. Children invited and their mothers were John and Ginger Price, Mrs. D.A. Price; Marjie Bernhardt, Mrs. Albert Bernhardt; Billy Burkholder, Mrs. Marvin Burkholder; Verlin Gene Meier, Mrs. Ben Meier; Juanita Ford, Mrs. Howard Ford; Keith Mueller, Mrs. Pete Mueller; and also Mrs. Fred Knackstedt, Mrs. C.C. Niederhauser, and Mrs. Errett Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brose were in Denver over the weekend where he had gone to buy fruit and produce for Brose Bros. Produce Co.
Loyette Hollar planned and carried out a surprise party at her home Monday evening for Naomi McIntosh in honor of her 12th birthday. Mrs. McIntosh assisted Loyette with the refreshments and entertainment. Those present were Naomi, Patsy Harris, Nancy Myer, Betty Williams, Peggy McCarty, Mary Burnett, Joan Hall, Joyce Loveless, and Loyette.
Fernetta Stenzel was a weekend guest of Margaret Parker and Kay Fisher at Wichita.
Mrs. Alex Mehlinger entertained a number of little folks Tuesday afternoon to help her son, Robert, celebrate his 5th birthday. Those present included Bobby Hiebert, Pauline Minear, Virginia and John Price, Carolyn Merrill, Allen Dean Harms, John Minear, and Robert.
Last modified Oct. 5, 2022