75 years ago
sept. 23, 1948
The universal sentiment expressed by hundreds, yes thousands, who enjoyed Old Settlers Day in Marion last Thursday was that it was one of the best yet. Parade winners were pets, Tommy and Bill Good; bicycles, Mark Childs; organizations, Hi-Y; rural schools, Morning Star; 4-H clubs, Happy Hustlers; old costumes, Billy Herbert; humorous costumes, family car; tricycle, Rosemary Ollenberger.
The city commission this week ordered the painting of the curb in front of Kaw Theatre, designating it as a no-parking area. This was done in compliance with state fire laws concerning theatres.
Attracting a world of attention is the erection of new homes and buildings here. The Ed McClains are building a brick veneer modified ranch house in the 400 block of Locust St.; Ralph Popp is erecting a home for his mother, Mrs. E.M. Popp, on Walnut St.; and the Bill Dwelles are building a garage and shop at their farm east of Marion.
National Baseball Congress, Wichita, has announced the appointment of Wilbur Melcher of Marion as one of the first of 27 commissioners who will supervise district tournaments in 1949.
Probable starters for this Friday’s football game against Moundridge are Dale Ecker, Robert Hein, Harold Bowers, Richard Bredemeier, Tim Burkholder, Don Ecker, Don Fruechting, Kerns Allen, Roger Hannaford, Max Merrill, and Bob Reinke.
Last modified Sept. 21, 2023