• Last modified 505 days ago (May 31, 2023)


june 3, 1948

After months of extensive work, Gordon Wolf of Marion Creamery announces that the creamery had been checked thoroughly and received a permit necessary to market Grade A milk after having complied with all requirements both of city and state codes.

Girls chosen to attend Girls State June 13 to 20 at Lawrence from are Mary Louise Heath and Madeline Penland. Alternates are Donna Hobein and Jean Muse. Attending Boys State at Wichita during the latter part of June will be Kerns Allen, Don Fruechting, and Bob Reinke.

Sylvia Herbert celebrated her fifth birthday Thursday afternoon with a party at her home. Guests were Anna Belle Bass, John Christensen, Carol Sue Conyers, Rosalie Dohner, Tommy Good, Christine Herbert, Donna Jost, Diana Kay and Bobby Sue Irwin, James Melton, Mary Sue Reh, and Janet Ann Stiller. Diana and Billie Herbert were hostesses. They were assisted by Vicki Black and Judy Coons.

A record crowd at the ball field Monday night roared with laughter at the antics of the visiting team, the Fort Riley Colored Cannoneers. The visitors made a hit with their clowning while losing to Marion by a lop-sided 18-0 score. For the season thus far, the Marion team has played 13 games, winning 10 and losing three.

The names of 14 students from Marion County listed on the 1948 University of Kansas commencement program include two from Marion, Bettie L. Batt and Edward W. Colburn.

Last modified May 31, 2023