• Last modified 847 days ago (May 18, 2022)


may 29, 1947

Kansas Dairy Goat Society will present a show different than Marion has heretofore seen when it brings the finest animals of five breeds to the Chamber of Commerce lot Monday to be judged by J.W. Taylor, head of the department of vocational agriculture at Manhattan High School for the group’s 10th annual show.

Earl and Orville Van Buren are hard at work getting quarters on E. Main St., where the Johnson Barber Shop once was located, ready for their business, Van’s Time Shop, to open. The brothers are working toward Saturday as opening day.

Navy veteran Frank Eberhart of Newcastle, Pa., was held here since last Sunday, obviously mentally ill, after he was found attempting to fly the Civil Air Patrol plane from Marion Airport. He was removed Friday to Winter General Hospital in Topeka for treatment. His condition improved after the arrival of his father, who escorted him to Topeka.

In addition to diplomas awarded last Thursday evening, several students received recognition for outstanding achievement in their work. Ruth Klein, Jean Hagans, and Sylvia Stika received the highest grades over the four-year period. Janice Socolofsky, Donna Powell, and Rose Marie Avery tied for second place.

Mrs. Jess Coons entertained May 16 with a line party to the show and refreshments at Marion Pharmacy to honor the ninth birthday of her daughter, Judy. Guests were the third grade girls and Judy Thatch, Margie Ann Bernhardt, Carol Jean Allen, Karen Brodhead, Diana Herbert, Patty Dixon, Miss Dummermuth, Miss Pray, and Miss Hawbecker. Mrs. Coons was assisted by Mrs. Lysle Russell.

Highlight of the Dody reunion May 17 at the Country Club near Marion was a talk given by Mrs. T.B. Matlock. She told of the caravan that brought the first Dodys to Kansas from Logan County, Illinois, in 1870, locating them in the Dody Settlement seven miles east of Marion, and named those earlier families who located therein.

Laura Jane Bredemeier entertained Wednesday at her home with a lawn party in honor of her brother, Richard’s, birthday. Forty young folks were present.

Jeannine Williamson was honored at a luncheon with Karen Brodhead as hostess at her home Saturday afternoon. The girls attended a matinee after the luncheon. Guests were Jeannine, Marilyn Reh, Nancy Burkholder, Charlene Youk, Janet Holub, Patricia Kruse, Marlys Rupp, Diana Herbert, and Virginia Price.

Last modified May 18, 2022