• Last modified 984 days ago (Dec. 30, 2021)


january 3, 1952

Although less than an inch of rain has fallen in Marion during the past two months, the total for the year 1951 was an astounding 61.20 inches, according Dr. P.J. Garrison, local weather observer. This is an all time high, and is more than double the average of 30.13 inches.

Dr. Eugene N. Duty, pastor of the First Christian Church of Marion for the past seven years, closes his stay here Jan. 8, it is announced this week. The Dutys will reveal their future plans in the near future.

Relatives and friends of Sgt. H.J. Groves are happy to know that he arrived by plane in Texas Saturday, Dec. 22, and is recovering slowly at Brooke Army Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas, from very severe burns and injuries received from a plane explosion in Japan early in December.

The county Selective Service board sent out calls this week to seven men to go for physical examinations on Jan. 10. They are: Gene Boettcher, Leroy McDaris, Chester McKibbin, Marion; George Svitak, Pilsen; John Kirkpatrick Jr., Burns; Eugene Plenert, Goessel; and Aaron Reimer, Hillsboro.

A strong Moundridge quintet walked off with top honors at the Marion invitational Christmas holiday basketball tournament last week. Moundridge defeated Madison Thursday night and Marion Friday evening for the championship. Jerry Brose, hot Marion basketeer, stole the individual scoring honors of the tournament with a total of 40 points, 20 each game.

The girls at the courthouse, who take the money and dish out automobile and truck license plates, are enjoying the job this year. Since they are selling just little tabs to add to license plates you already have, early season rush hasn’t been as great as in other years. Nobody has to worry about what number he’ll get, so there is no rush to be at the front of the line.

Last modified Dec. 30, 2021