• Last modified 1271 days ago (Aug. 14, 2021)


august 16, 1951

The first house to be moved from the valley to the hill after the flood is pictured as it crosses over the Main Street bridge. The home is the property of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Schwemmer. The property is being moved to its new location on Hudson Street by Martin Wedel of Goessel.

Announcement is made this week of the sale of the insurance agency business of the late Clyde Loveless to Wm. H. Ward of this city.

The “Cubby Hole,” popular local eating place run for many years by the late Emory Hawbecker, will be open for business again August 17. It will be operated by Harry Roseberry, brother of Mrs. Jay Hargett and Mrs. Frank Fisher, who is moving to Marion from Chicago

Clyde Thies, owner and operator of Thies Food Center, has announced this week that he is installing a new frozen food storage locker plant at his store on the East Main Street. The plant will house 131 lockers with half of them already spoken for.

The room and equipment at the Hill building for the hot lunch program for Marion schools this winter is almost completed and will be ready for operation soon after the start of school. Mrs. Paul Minear has been contracted to manage this new activity.

One thing the floods apparently have done — they have resupplied the Cottonwood River and Mud Creek fishing holes with a new stock of fish. Reports have come in up and down the streams of fine catches in recent days.

Max Jackson, local clothing merchant, was the big winner at the recent Marion Country Club sanctioned golf tournament with his total of 74. In second place in the first flight was Bob Brooks with 77. Novelty prizes were awarded to Harold Keazer, Ed Costello, Rosse Case, and John Edmunds.

Last modified Aug. 14, 2021