• Last modified 1475 days ago (Jan. 28, 2021)


FEBRUARY 1, 1951

The city commission has a plan in the offing to do away with two almost historical landmarks, the “Rogers” bridge and the “Jex” bridge over the old Cottonwood River channel.

These two bridges have slowly deteriorated until they are causing residents and city officials to worry as to their ability to carry heavy loads of present day trucks and cars.

Since the old channel is of no use, but a health menace, an earth fill is contemplated.

Most of the equipment has arrived and work is progressing at the Hill Grade School in preparation for the start of a hot lunch program in the Marion city schools.

Marion County police radio KAA-288 has been operating for almost two years and has proved to be invaluable in police work. LuVena Van Horn serves as its operator and also is general secretary and clerk at the sheriff’s office.

In a Grand Opening sale announced this week, Buckley’s Grocery has affiliated itself with the grocery marketing organization known as HGF Food Stores, a division of Lee Mercantile Company, wholesale food firm well-known for many years.

A photo of the chancel of the Evangelical United Brethren Church in Marion shows new furnishings that include an altar with kneeling bench, communion table and cross, choir panel, and flower stand. These memorials to the late, Mrs. H. H. Johnsmeyer are provided by her family.

A conservative estimate of nearly 600 persons attended the John Deere Day celebration and open house in Marion Wednesday. The event was sponsored by Bernhardt and Utting, local John Deere and Pontiac dealers.

Last modified Jan. 28, 2021