• Last modified 353 days ago (Feb. 28, 2024)


march 5, 1964

The play “Balcony Scene” will be presented by Marion High School students at the annual Cottonwood Valley League speech and drama festival Monday at Peabody. The cast includes Dick Hamlin, Donna Hanschu, Chris Hauser, Max Jackson, Mary Konarik, Joan Magee, Tom Tucker, and Connie Warneke.

The A-1 Café has opened in Marion in the former location of Metzler Café at Main and Freeborn Sts. Operated by Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Hoffner, the café features hamburgers, short orders, and five-cent coffee.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Gardner of Louisburg announce the engagement of their daughter, Marjorie Lois, to Mickey W. Summervill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Summervill of Marion. A June wedding is planned.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Wiens of Marion are proud parents of twin daughters, whom they have named Loraine Fae and Loreen Kae. The girls arrived Feb. 28 at St. Luke Hospital.

Marion High School won the district championship here Friday but met defeat at the hands of Osage City in a regional tournament Wednesday. Warrior team members are Doug Bass, Larry Ensey, Roger Frans, Dick Hamlin, Chris Hauser, George Jackson, Max Jackson, Gene Schimpf, Richard Swanson, and Maurice Williams.

Last modified Feb. 28, 2024