• Last modified 668 days ago (April 19, 2023)


april 25, 1963

The Rock Island Railroad is again attempting to discourage passenger service through Marion by asking permission to remove daytime service on Trains 27 and 28 that operate daily between Herington and Wichita. A hearing will be conducted May 16 and 17 on this application.

Ernie Barrett, assistant basketball coach at Kansas State University, will be guest speaker Monday at the annual athletic banquet in the city building.

“Animal Fair” has been chosen as the theme for this year’s Bown-Corby May Fete to be presented May 3. Paula Vinduska will be queen of May with Freddie Nelson as her consort. Mrs. Jack Swain is musical director, and Judy Pankratz will assist with dances.

The Marion Mennonite Brethren Church will dedicate its new sanctuary this Sunday afternoon. The public is invited.

Barbara Bailey and Susan Yeagley entertained all of the seventh grade girls at a birthday party April 20 at Susan’s home.

Cubs Scouts visited the Record office and plant Monday afternoon. They were boys of Den 4 and included Jim Bell, Raymond Carr, Mike Jackson, Eric Meyer, and Terry Plenert.

Marion High School students Keith Just and Jon Schimpf are pictured as they receive medals won at the Emporia State Relays. Keith took first and Jon was second in discus.

Last modified April 19, 2023