• Last modified 916 days ago (Aug. 10, 2022)


aug. 23, 1962

Two of seven candidates for Marion County fair queen are Donna Jost, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. June Jost, sponsored by Marion Kiwanis Club, and Deanna Kay Klenda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klenda, sponsored by Marion Chamber of Commerce.

Paul Behrendt is pictured on the front page delivering safe driver’s certificates to safe driver winners Mrs. Bill Meyer and Shirley Bredemeier for June and Bob Brooks and Steve Krispense for July.

Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Lunderman, new owners and operators of the Western Auto Associate Store in Marion, will have a grand opening this weekend with many special bargains.

Tressie Ann Miles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Miles of Newton, and Marion Kenneth Kelsey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kelsey of Marion, were married Aug. 5 in a candlelight service at First Christian Church, Marion.

Two little cousins, Mark Ottensmeier and Kathy Edmunds, celebrated their 4th birthdays together Tuesday evening at a family picnic in the city park.

Two hundred of the 6,000 Mennonites from Europe who attended the Mennonite World Conference at Kitchner, Ontario, Canada, arrived Wednesday noon at Brudertal Church in five chartered buses. A number of people in the community served lunch to the group before they continued on their trip.

Last modified Aug. 10, 2022