• Last modified 1085 days ago (Feb. 24, 2022)


march 9, 1967

Saucers, or at least unidentified flying objects, were sighted between 8 or 8:30 Friday night in Marion, Chase, and Harvey counties by police officers on duty.

The Chase County sheriff called by radio to Marion dispatcher Sterling “Squeak” Frame to report seeing an U.F.O. Frame, in turn, alerted others on the police radio to be on the lookout.

Hillsboro, Marion, and Harvey County officers began to report seeing the object. The officers seemed to agree that it looked like a bright light in the sky, appearing to be the size of a bright street light. All agree they saw it. There’s no question about that.

Two big bobcats, one a male, the other a smaller female, were bagged during the past few days by Harry Hefley’s hounds on French Creek. Many people have been reporting bobcats for the past couple of years, but this is the first real evidence.

Twenty-seven projects from Marion school have been entered in the sixth annual Marion County Science Fair to be hosted March 10 at Tabor College. Students shown working on their projects are Ginger Helmer, Terry Frans, Mike Bredemeier, Rae Jean Woerz, Laura Brose, and Diane Weber.

The Citizens Advisory Committee, a part of the workable program for community improvement, met Tuesday morning in Marion Municipal Building.

Committee members came up with several proposed plans which they will present to the City Commission with ideas for city improvement.

Bill Meyer was named chairman of the committee and in charge of industrial development. Rosse Case is secretary and in charge of zoning and codes, and Paul Shahan is in charge of public utilities.

Marion’ beloved “Mashers” went down to glorious defeat Monday night in the opening round of their own invitational commercial league tournament.

Last modified Feb. 24, 2022