55 years ago
january 2, 1964
The “First Baby” of 1964 born at St. Luke Hospital, is six pound 8 ounce Melissa Ann Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson of Route 1, Peabody. The little miss arrived at 10:15 p.m. Jan. 1. She has two brothers at home to greet her — Robert Douglas and Michael Alan.
Pictured is the family that won first prize in this year’s Marion County Record subscription contest. They are Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Way of Wichita and their children, Randy 10, Shelley Ann 4, and Scott 13. They chose the new Smith Corona electric portable typewriter. Mrs. Way is the former Corrine Pierce, daughter of former Marion resident Marion Pierce.
The public is invited to attend the Epiphany tree burning service to be held at the Marion Gymnasium on Monday, Jan. 6, at 6:30 p.m. The Girl Scouts will pick up discarded Christmas trees on Saturday.
MHS senior girls and boys exchanged classes from Thanksgiving until Christmas. Girls taking special classes in woodworking and finishing under instructor Charles Norris were Virginia Tajchman, Virginia Goentzel, Susan Carr, Karen Keazer, and Sandra Kline. Boys who learning cooking from instructor Pauling Ferrell were Bob Berg, Bob Leppke, Rick Bell, Max Miller, Wayne Ewert, Marvin Meisinger, Richard Swanson, Maurice Williams, Bob Olsen, and Lloyd Bevan.
Last modified Dec. 28, 2018